All's (not all that terribly) Well

Dec 03, 2010 14:31

Our recent renovations ran into some cost over-runs (no big surprise) and with interest rates so low, we thought we would take a look at our mortgage and see if we could get a better rate and deal with the reno debt.

This necessitated having the house appraised for the mortgage company. We were given less than 24 hours notice before the appraiser arrived, but we did our best to clean and tidy and I thought the place looked pretty good. However, the appraiser seemed to have disagreed. In spite of the huge amount of effort and money we have dumped into this place, he appraised the house at $20,000 less than what we needed and what we thought it was worth.

There is, unfortunately, nothing we can do about this at all. Once the guy found out there was UFFI in the house, it was downhill from there.

I thought we had a pretty nice looking house and I was so happy with all the work we'd done. Now it just feels all shabby and neglected. Now I see every little dent and scrape and every defect. It's so damn depressing. I'd just like to slap that guy.
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