Jan 06, 2022 07:16
The crazy man is celebrating by riding 70 miles on his bicycle. Silly man. Everyone knows you celebrate by eating cake and ice cream!
Work remains crazy busy, but I did get my report out only one day late. This week's report is already started, but was constantly interrupted by e-gift questions from donors.
In other news, well, I'm not boxing today because it's Pat's birthday and I have promised to get him take out so he doesn't have to get dressed or cleaned up. (He's going to want to relax after his 70 mile ride.) So far he has not chosen what he wants for dinner, but I'm hoping he'll have it figured out by tonight.
I finally got an appointment with the retina specialist. I'm seeing him on Friday. I still have that spot in front of my eye, and my doc thinks there's a slim possibility I might have a small tear in the retina so she wanted this specialist to check it out.
So fun will be had by all tomorrow morning. NOT.
Send Pat good vibes for his ride!