Hey everyone!
I took a break for a few months, since I was sick to death of running two heroics over and over. Patch 4.3 has me a bit excited though. I decided to dust off my druid and respec her to heal (since my daughter is now sleeping for a good stretch for her nap I feel like I can actually heal without having to be distracted). I've been reading a bit on Cata healing and today I healed for the first time today- H GB. It went pretty ok, but a combination of being very rusty and having to heal in a new way had me a bit frantic lol.
Is there a reason why macro-ing swifmend to lifebloom would be a bad idea? It seems I pretty much want to be using swiftmend on the tank as often as possible, so it seemed macroing it to my lifebloom button would keep it up as soon as it's off CD.
Does spirit work differently with mana regen now? Do I regain mana while casting with spirit? I picked up
Core of Ripeness today- is the use just a flat mp5 boost?
I don't use healbot, the only main add on I use is X Perl. Is there an add on that will tell me when certain buffs or whatever are active- Omen of Clarity and the mastery bonus for example?
Any other advice?
Here's my little druid- I've only started healing today, so I still have a lot of balance stuff until I can afford more healy gear. I replaced the 216 spirit version of Rainsong with the Core of Ripeness- adding spellpower but losing spirit- do you think I'll notice it?