Dodge, Parry, Mastery Or hit?

Oct 15, 2011 06:34

Or, Help my paladin.

The EJ page hasn't been updated since Februarry and confuses me. At times - specifically, the section I really need help with - , they literally are speaking Greek. I don't understand the formulas, I don't understand where I need to be. Please help.

Some important things to note:

1) Right now, the spec listed was one I put together to go back and do old dungeons. I know it's not ideal, and I plan on changing that. This, I can find on my own, I just haven't gotten around to fixing it yet.

2) I know the pants are ungemmed. In my lack of knowledge about what to do with DPMH, I'm just not sure what gems to put in it.

3) I know some things are unenchanted. This information, too, I can find fairly easily. I haven't bothered because all I was doing was soloing old world dungeons.

4) The reforging was because I was over expertise cap, and I *thought* I needed to reach hit cap. But the EJ page said somehing about it not being necessary to cap hit? Soconfused.

This whole request is really needing a breakdown of the difference between dodge, parry, and mastery, and where I need to be on it. I'd like to stop using her tank spec just to solo old dungeons, I simply cannot understand the jargon used on the EJ page.

paladin: protection

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