Elders of Northrend Guide - Dungeons

Jan 25, 2011 10:11

Elders of Northrend Guide - Dungeons

There are quite few Elders in Northrend that are relatively easy to solo for most classes. I have done it on both a retritbution paladin, shadow priest and an assassination rogue who are all level 85. If you are lower than that, you might have a bit of trouble, but don't quote me on that.
This guide is meant to help you along your way. I will be giving tactics for classes capable of stealth (rogues, druids, mages with invisibility glyphed) as well as classes who actually have to do a bit of fighting because they cannot turn invisible. You might have an easier way but this is being written for those of you who haven't done this before, or might need a bit of a walk-through.

A side-note: I play horde predominately, but this guide could very well work for alliance, just substituting horde outposts for alliance ones, and vice versa.

We'll be starting in Borean Tundra and working our way around the map to Howling Fjord. I won't include the Northrend Elders along the way as there is already a list of those.

MAKE SURE DUNGEON DIFFICULTY IS SET TO 'NORMAL'. You could attempt this on heroic, but why make it more difficult?

Elder Igasho (The Nexus)
This one is fairly straightforward. When you enter The Nexus there are three corridors. Take the one to Keristrasza's room and immediately turn right. Be prepared to kill a few of the tiny, annoying flowers along the way. You should be able to dodge pats for the most part. The elder will be right before Ormorok the Tree-Shaper.

To leave, simply hug the right side of the ramp leading up to Ormorok and take the little pathway back into the corridor with the treants. Drop down, take a left and avoid all pats on the way to the entrance portal.

Elder Nurgen (Azjol-Nerub)
You're going to have to fight here, whether you can stealth or not, as there is a web behind the first boss, Krik'thir the Gatewatcher, blocking your way. It's relatively easy for most classes, that can CC and some melee, as long as you've the DPS.

»PRIEST (Shadow or Holy/Discipline)
Go in as shadow, though discipline and holy might work, I wouldn't suggest it if you can help it. Yer on yer own for what spells to use, as I've never DPS'd as Holy or Discipline.
Kill the first two trash that pat up towards the entrance portal using Mind Spike x2, and the 'free' (insta-cast) Mind Blast. Dots/Mind Flay will take too long and mind spiking is one-two-three hits and down. Faster than dots, believe me I tried ;p

For the second set of trash, just before the three groups and Krik'thir, shackle the mobs that web wrap (usually Anub'ar Webspinner) or one of the other smaller mobs and immediately engage with the biggest of the three spider-esque creatures. I did mind spike x3, mind blast and then a devouring plague and by then the mob was dead. Re-shackle and attack the second spider-esque creature that was attacking you, then finally kill the shackle. Mana up, as you don't get much chance between the waves here.

Take out the waves much like you did the first set: shackle one, kill biggest first, smallest 'loose' mob and then kill shackle (which should've been the web-spinner). The second all of the mobs are down, grab mana quickly before dotting up the boss. Before you even get that first mind flay in, unleash your shadow fiend on the boss and fade aggro onto it. From there, DPS the boss down like a pro.

Melee is much the same except generally without CC, unfortunately. If you have any means of cc (fear that might work) etc, use it. Frost Nova for mages, hunter traps, etcetc. Most classes that are leather/mail/plate should have no problem.

When Krik'thir is down, you should bug this if you can - jump down from the bridge and feign death as a hunter, vanish as a rogue, invis as a mage - if you can't then just run for your life. Hadronox will be fighting her baby spiders by then and you should be able to slip past. As my priest I just bubbled myself, levitated down to avoid most of the spiders and then used dispersion as I passed her before falling down the hole. The elder is just right there, behind the water you'll land in.

To get out, you can sneak around Anub'arak if you hug the sides of the little area the boss is in and slip into the exit pathway behind them. If all else fails, you could hearth out (but it takes while to get back to NR unless yer a mage or engineer) or strip naked and eat a death.

Elder Kilias (Drak'Tharon Keep)
This elder is just inside of King Dred's pen, so you'll have a bit to go. The first rounds of trash weren't too difficult - as a priest I just shackled one, and used mind spike x2, mind blast and a DP if needed - until I reached the set of stairs. Shackle/CC one, kill the rest. Use your shadow fiend and fade onto it if you need. Once you get upstairs there are a few groups of mobs - avoid the two big aboms as they have an AOE on them that will aggro you if you get too close.

If you hug the left wall you should be able to sneak around. I did this twice, with my friend pulling the three little guys the second time by mistake. Once you get to the stairs before Trollgore, mana up and anything else. You're going to wait until after the trolls fly in and attack Trollgore before doing anything else. Once they despawn attack him and fight him up on his platform. It's an easy fight as long as you keep yourself shielded and DPS him down fast (use evasion if you're a rogue and need it, or fade him into your shadow fiend as a priest).

For this room, you'll likely need to kill the three big spiders. You can pull one at a time into the hallway by where Trollgore was, but make sure you get them down fast, lest they run in and bring a few baby friends back.

The next room is Novos the Summoner, whom you can avoid by hugging the far right wall. Sneak into the aviary and kill all the bats and the troll. AOE/Fan of Knives/Blizzard works best here.

The troll/ravasaur pats will need to be killed and luckily there are only two or three groups. Get them down fast and make sure King Dred is patting away from the Elder before you go get him. King Dred likes to say hello, you see.

From here you can go out the same way or die/hearth. No real 'easy' way out unfortunately.

Elder Ohanzee (Gun'Drak)
Contrary to previous years, this Elder is no longer on heroic mode but regular! Ignore what anyone has told you. I ran in on reg and there they were! There's a bit of a trick for this one though, unless you're a class who can stealth. Pathing is still the same.

Take the 'main' entrance in, which is right behind/beside the summoning stone (I know, they still exist!). Once inside, kill the first four naga and sneak around the rest. Once you reach the area with water and bone piles, sneak past the naga and go into the water along the right. If you aggro one naga in the water, kill it. Sneak past the troll and naga pats and carefully sneak around the water elementals in the next room. If you pull one of the little purple elementals, as long as it's not too close to the big guy you can pull it into the far right corner and kill it.

Sneak around until you're in front of the Drakkari Colossus. Here's where it gets tricky. Run alongside the far left of the circular 'room' that the Drakkari Colossus is in, careful not to aggro anything. Slip around to the elder and profit! Take the same way back out. Confirmed while dragging a friend with who had no idea what way I was taking (and I probably gave her a bit of a heart attack in the process ;p).

Elder Yurauk (Halls of Stone)
For this one you'll be killing a bit of trash. The first two or three pats will need to be downed (mobs of three, don't hit too hard at 85 in Cata blues/greens), as well as one of the bigger guys and perhaps the patting one.

Following that, you'll go right into the circular room, up the stairs, and kill another pat-of-three, then the three little stone guys. Continue right down the pathway to Krystallus. You can avoid the first group of channelers if you hug the right edge, but the little stone guys have to be killed. As an s-priest I just mind spiked them once and they were dead. Get rid of the other channelers and then the group before the elder and there you have it! Take the same way out.

Elder Jarten (Utgarde Keep)
For this one you're going to have to kill the Dragonflayer mobs all the way into the first room, as well as two Dragonflayer Forge Masters so you can turn off the fire and proceed. The first boss, Prince Keleseth, can be skipped. If you hang left, you should only have one or two undead to kill in that corridor.

Then you go through the room with the rusted proto-drakes, go straight through the middle and you should only have to kill two sets of mobs. Sneak around the ones in the corridor and make sure you kill the patting Frenzied Geist.

There is a short staircase beside the mobs on the left, go up inside of there and the Elder is just inside. Take the same way out.

Elder Chogan'gada (Utgarde Pinnacle)
This Elder was by far, the most annoying to do for me. I had to bring a friend on my shadow priest as I didn't know what to expect, but other classes shouldn't have a problem. The only reason this one is the 'most difficult' is having to kill Skadi the Ruthless.

You'll want to kill all of the trash along the way, in whatever way will get them down the fastest for your class. You have an obvious benefit if you're a priest or paladin as many of your abilities work well on undead. Kill any pats along the way and bug the Svala Sorrowgrave event by just skipping her. The abom you can kill but the two groups after can be avoided if you make a beeline for the stairs.

There should be one pat on the stairs and one set on a landing to kill. Get the melee down first, as the wolves don't hit that hard.

Gortok Palehoof can be ignored if you just run through the room and don't touch the trigger.

Kill all of the pats down the gauntlet and remember to avoid the frost breath. From here it's just maintaining DPS (and mana if you're a caster) during the ways for Skadi the Ruthless. DPS him down when he comes down, use the harpoon launchers, same thing as the fight on reg only it's just you.

Afterwards, kill the group of trash just outside of the gauntlet (at the top of the stairs) and fall down into the hole in the stairs. There's the Elder! As this should have been the last stop on your list, you can just hearth out now... otherwise feel free to run back out or even finish off the rest of the instance!

I hope this guide helped somewhat, and I made it as clear as I could. If you have any questions, feel free to comment and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Happy Lunar Fest and good luck to all of you future Elder-title-bearers!

world event: lunar festival, guide: achievements, instance: wrath of the lich king

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