Somebody posted this on our guild forums:
I need help from the pro healer droods!
I'm going to be making a main spec healer drood and need help on a build. So far this is what I got and I'm all up on suggestions since I've never made one before.
tree spec attemptI ended up writing quite a bit about my thoughts on tree healing, and I thought it
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Comments 42
Can we get to the merits (or lack of merits) in the content nao?
... huh?
Granted, I am a priest raid healer but uh... this seems weird to me.
(Later, I pulled off a b-rez of the tank... There were like 3 seconds to go on brez cooldown, tank was down, healer was healing us, I'm going "AUGH"... And flash! And brez! And we have a tank at full health again! Gods, I love that glyph. And yes, I'm disgustingly proud of that set of kills.)
First off, this is a much more standard, cookie cutter resto spec. The haste soft cap drops to 735 if you pick up the 3 pts in Celestial Focus, which is handy until you can reach the 856 haste needed to soft cap haste without it. (Depending on how much your guildie is interested in numbers and theory, there's a lot more detail we can go into about what it means to be soft capped for haste and such, but not everyone is into The Maths, so I'll just leave it at that.)
Second, Natural Perfection and Imp Tranquility are not talents that trees typically get a lot of use out of in PvE healing. Natural Perfection is much more of a PvP talent and Tranquility just doesn't get used that much now that we have Wild Growth. (Honestly, Imp Tranq just needs to go away and I think Blizz knows it >.<) That isn't to say that there aren't times and ( ... )
Except in heroics and some ten mans, we usually dont get put on tank duty, so I personally wouldn't even consider Glyph of Healing Touch. I just don't use it that often, and never without my Nature's Swiftness + Healing Touch macro. And what about Glyph of Rejuvenation? I really like it, considering how much I use Rejuv. And paired with the Rapid Rejuv and Swiftmend glyphs, I rarely have problems with people's low health.
I also rarely use Lifebloom, and I honestly don't get much use out of Tranq at all. I can count on less than one hand, probably, the number of times I've used it in the year+ I've been resto.
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