i've got a hammer, and i've got a bell, and i've got a song to sing

Jan 19, 2008 00:25

This one is fun, and I've never done it, and moony just did it, so I'm gonna do it, too! Back, for the first time! Ahem.

Anyway, this is the one where I put my iTunes on random and copy down the first line of each song* and then you get to guess! And if you're right, I will. . .um. Okay, I will write you a one-sentence story using two characters of your choice. Should you desire. In a genre of your choosing, even! Even if I have NO IDEA who your proffered characters are! FUN!


1. Well, he walked up to me and he asked me if I wanted to dance Then He Kissed Me, by The Shirelles and MANY others - guessed by moony, phoebesmum and lyrainverse

2. Richard Wagner's letters to his lover Mathilde were a mess Our Love, Rhett Miller - guessed by missmp

3. Oh, why should I be so discouraged? [edit: this song, by this artist, is also reported on the interweb as having this first line: "Oh, why should I feel so discouraged?"]

4. Summer ends and we wonder we are

5. I'm on my time with everyone Pennyroyal Tea, Nirvana - guessed by missmp

6. He shot just like a comet into my orbit

7. We're both looking for something we've been afraid to find

8. The Salvation Army band played, and the children drank lemonade Life In A Northern Town, Dream Academy - title guessed by phoebesmum and lyrainverse, artist guessed by lyrainverse

9. The message is perfectly simple, the meaning is clear

10. Oh life, it's bigger, it's bigger than you and you are not me Losing My Religion, REM - guessed by moony and phoebesmum

11. The siren's finally finished, the ambulance just left E-Mail Girl, Skycycle - guessed by moony

12. He went away and you hung around, and bothered me every night My Boyfriend's Back, The Shirelles - guessed by phoebesmum

13. These bastards stole the power from the victims of the us v. them years

14. I've lost my mind, on what I'd find

15. Velvet I can wish you, for the collar of your coat and fortune smilin' all along your way More I Cannot Wish You, Uncle Arvide (Guys and Dolls Soundtrack) - guessed by phoebesmum

16. I know I may be young, but I've got feelings too I'm A Slave [for] [You], Britnay! - guessed by k_rock

17. It's after midnight and she's on your phone

18. If you're gonna get your heart broke, you better do it just right

19. Here I stand, head in hand, turn my face to the wall You've Got To Hide Your Love Away, The Beatles (although my version was the Eddie Vedder cover; who would know that?) - gussed by moony, phoebesmum and lyrainverse

20. Workin' all week 9 to 5 for my money

21. A mole, diggin' in a hole Elevation, U2 - guessed by moony

22. Welcome, you're under control, and buried like a mole

23. Well, I woke up in mid-afternoon, 'cause that's when it all hurts the most Mrs. Potter's Lullaby - guessed by lyrainverse

24. I'm gonna tell you how it's gonna be Not Fade Away, Buddy Holly (even though my version was actually Sheryl Crow *blush of shame*) - phoebesmum

25. Don't move don't talk out of time don't think don't worry everything's just fine Numb, U2 - guessed by moony

* barring songs I don't even know, because I have a lot of never-listened-to music on this thing
** as soon as I started this, I got a song where the first words are also the title. And then I got a LOT more of those. And where is the fun in that? So I skipped those, too.
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