Title: Waiting Forever - Sequel
Pairing: Akame
Rating: PG-13
Summary: sequel to Waiting Forever . Kazuya won't have to wait anymore...this time, Jin will come.
Date finished: March 8, 2008
Like I said in the first part of this....I am really ashamed of this fic. First, because I didn't even try to make Kame fight back, and second...before of the total mushiness in this part. @___@ if i could forget i ever wrote this, trust me, i would. =___=
The fragrance of fresh flowers filled the room, and it was with shaking hands that the man standing at the window of the hospital room, carefully arranged the flowers, moving the delicate plants as though if they were even a little out of place, then the world would end. He kept his eyes carefully trained on those flowers and out the window, refusing to look behind him for he knew, he knew that if he did, those tears that had only now stopped falling, would fall once more.
A man lay in the hospital bed, white sheets drawn up around him, keeping him warm but…
He could not do it -
Yamapi choked back a sob and he put his hand on the windowsill to keep himself from sinking to the floor. Using the window as support, he turned to look with eyes, swollen and red, from crying too much at the man.
“How did it…how did it come to this?” Yamapi whispered as he walked slowly over to where Jin was lying, motionless, almost lifeless if not for the monitor next to his beat telling Yamapi that Jin’s heart was still beating, that Jin was still alive.
Sometimes, Yamapi wondered if the monitor was simply lying to him.
Tears trailed down Yamapi’s face as he took Jin’s cool, pale hand in his.
Droplets of salty tears fell onto that hand.
“How did it come to this?” Yamapi whispered, his heart starting to hurt once more, “How…”
* * *
Jin smiled reassuringly at Kazuya as he held the younger man close to him, breathing in the scent of the younger man. Those familiar arms wrapped themselves around his waist, refusing to let go as Kazuya buried his head in Jin’s chest. Jin laid his head on Kazuya’s and chuckled softly.
“It’s okay, it’s only two weeks Kazu - I’ll be back soon” he said with a soft smile at his lover.
Kazuya merely hugged Jin tighter, “I don’t want to let go of you” he murmured.
“Ahh, I don’t want to leave either, Kazu, but I have to…it’s for work you know” Jin reminded Kazuya gently, but despite his words, his arms tightened around Kazuya.
“Can’t I go with you?” Kazuya asked, looking up with imploring eyes.
Jin chuckled as he slowly brushed stands of hair out of Kazuya’s eyes, “I’d like nothing more than to bring you along, but you know you have things to do here too”
Kazuya sighed, “I’ll miss you…” he said sadly as though Jin was going away for years instead of just two weeks.
Jin smiled lovingly at the younger man, “I know you will. I’ll miss you too”
Kazuya still refused to let go of Jin, wanting to hold onto the older man for as long as he could before Jin had to board the train.
“Tell you what” Jin said with a smile, “We’ll go on a date as soon as I get back”
Kazuya looked up with eyes shining with anticipation, “Really?”
“Of course” Jin laughed, “Anything you want, Kazu-chan”
Kazuya smiled brightly.
“But you know, Kazu-chan, you’re going to have to let go of me now…” Jin said regretfully, “I have to get on the train before it leaves”
Kazuya sighed and reluctantly let go of Jin.
Jin felt his heart grow heavy at seeing those disappointed eyes directed at him.
“Don’t worry; Pi will take care of you while I’m gone” Jin grinned, “So if anything happens, go to him okay?”
“Okay…” Kazuya said before he reached up and kissed Jin lingeringly, “I’ll miss you a lot…”
“It’s just two weeks” Jin reminded Kazuya, but a heavy feeling had started in his heart as well as he thought about two weeks without seeing the younger man, “I’ll be back before you know it”
* * *
Jin sat on the bed in his hotel room, listening to Kazuya’s reassuring voice over the phone. He smiled wistfully; it sounded as though Kazuya was right next to him…
“Only one more day” Jin said suddenly, wishing that that one day would pass quickly and he could be back at Kazuya’s side. He longed to wrap his arms around the younger man and never let go.
“I know” Kazuya said happily, “What time will you be back?”
“Hmm…” Jin paused, thinking, “Probably around four o’clock - I’ll meet you at the usual spot okay?”
“You don’t need me to come pick you up?”
“Well, I said we’d go on a date right away” Jin said with a grin, “So this way, we’ll be on a date as soon as I see you again”
Kazuya laughed and Jin could just imagine the way Kazuya looked right now; the smile that he loved so much was probably lighting up the younger man’s face and those brown eyes shining with laughter.
“I can’t wait till I see you again” Kazuya said wistfully, “It feels strange without you here at home”
“…I know…hey, Kazu, I don’t know when the train will get there though, so if I’m late…wait for me, okay? I promise that I’m not standing you up”
Kazuya laughed, “I know - you’d never do that. You’re always there”
“And I always will be” Jin promised.
* * *
Jin still could not believe his eyes.
Not for the first time, he stared at the television screen that told the time the train would get here and he had to blink a few times before the time registered in his mind. His brows furrowed in irritation as his mind raced, thinking about what he could do. The train would be a whole three hours late, due to some technical difficulties. Or at least, that was the excuse that was being given.
Jin flipped open his cell phone, and began dialling Kazuya’s number, ready to explain this to his lover.
Then he paused.
Kazuya’s disappointed, sad but understanding eyes flashed in his mind.
Jin’s heart suddenly clenched as he thought about seeing those eyes, and being the cause of that disappointment and sadness appearing in those eyes.
He closed his cell phone once more, biting his lip.
Kazuya was so excited about this date, about seeing him again, he could not bear to ruin it for his lover by cancelling the date and coming home who knew how many hours later.
Kazuya would understand, of course, but he would still be disappointed.
And Jin promised to be there…
With a decisive nod, Jin left the train station and hailed a cab.
Twenty minutes later, he had reached his destination and with a smile and a more relieved heart that he would not be letting Kazuya down, he walked into the large air conditioned building and up to one of the service desks.
“One-way ticket to Tokyo” Jin said, reaching for his wallet to pay for the plane ticket.
Kazu-chan will be happy, Jin thought as he walked to the gate it said on the newly purchased plane ticket, Kazu will be so happy...
* * *
Something was wrong, that much Jin knew. He tried to keep his worry and fear inside as he watched the flight attendants rush around, and talking in rushed whispers and he wondered what was going on. The plane was not flying very smoothly, he could tell but surely…
Surely, it couldn't be that bad...
Suddenly, he felt a lurching feeling in his stomach and he was thrown from his seat and slammed forward into the seat in front of him, his body hitting the tray on the back of the seat with a loud and painful thud.
Jin winced as he grabbed onto something to hold as the lurching continued.
A ringing sound screeched in his ears, mixed with the sounds of women screaming panic, men yelling and demanding what was going on and children crying at the top of their lungs.
However, the different noises all spoke of one thing…
Jin felt that exact same fear grip him, grip his heart as the plane seemed to be out of control. He was thrown one way and then another as he tried desperately to get back to his seat. He could try to believe that everything would be okay if he was back in his seat.
It’ll be okay…because I’ll get to see Kazu soon…I’m coming Kazuya…just…just wait for me…
Jin let out a cry as his head slammed against a hard wall and he gave up trying to get to his seat and let his body get churned and thrown and abused by the plane.
Suddenly a woman screamed. Jin lifted his head and his heart sunk when he saw the scene outside the window that the woman was pointing at. Smoke was coming out from the wing of the plane…
They were going down…
Jin bit his lip and clenched his fists as he watched in fear as what would have been pleasant scenery rush by at breakneck speed and then…
Kazu…he thought once more…
Before heat engulfed him completely...
And darkness caged him...
* * *
Yamapi held his breath as he looked at Jin, who was lying just as still, just as motionless, just as almost lifeless on the hospital bed. His family was gathered all around him, tears in their eyes as they looked at their motionless son in the bed, and Yamapi went back to the flowers, trying to keep the tears from flowing from his eyes.
It was like Kazuya all over again…
Yamapi bit back a sob as he thought about the younger man he had failed to protect, to save, to help…
He choked on his tears as he remembered the way Kazuya had waited for Jin, waited to loyally for Jin and all this time…all this time, Jin was in this hospital…just lying here…
He ducked his head and there was no ignoring the drop of tears that appeared on the petals of the flowers he was so meticulously arranging, trying to keep his attention away from the family gathered in the room. He could hear their conversation but still, in his heart, he hoped…
Just like he had hoped and wished with Kazuya…
Yamapi let out a sob and this time, he could not muffle it.
He looked up at the sound of his name.
“…we’re taking Jin off life support”
Yamapi could only sink to his knees and cry. He moved to Jin’s hospital bed and tears flowed from his eyes, the pain in his heart too great to ignore and he felt as though millions of searing hot knives had pierced his heart, his body and his soul. He ducked his head over Jin’s limp hand and Yamapi wanted to break down and cry, cry that he was sorry and to wake up, because he wanted to say sorry…sorry for not taking better of Kazuya…
“I’m sorry…” Yamapi said with tears streaming from his eyes and he felt as though this time, just like with Kazuya, they would never stop.
His heart would never stop hurting…
“It hurts…” Yamapi whispered to no one in particular, “It hurts Jin…you and Kazuya…”
The river of tears continued to flow from Yamapi’s eyes as he looked through a blurred vision at Jin who was still motionless, still and soon to be lifeless…
Yamapi knew…
This was his punishment…
His punishment for not saving Kazuya, his punishment for not helping Kazuya enough…
As Yamapi cried, the flower he had been holding had bent, nearly snapping into two, and two petals from the flower floated to the ground, soon to be drowned by the salty tears flowing endlessly from Yamapi’s eyes.
Tears of guilt…
Tears of self-loathing…
Tears of grief…
Tears for the friends who he felt he had failed…
Tears for the friend who he had to watch die…
Tears for another friend who he would have to watch leave him forever…
Tears that would never stop coming…
“At least…” Yamapi whispered through his tears, “Kazuya won’t have to wait anymore…”
--- END ---