[I rise]

Nov 19, 2016 21:26



Becky was living with Medra & I. She'd burned bridges with pretty much everyone else. Veeeeeery long story short, there was a fight and she attempted suicide while I tried to comfort Medra. The Becky we knew is gone. She says what she thinks people wants to hear, is obsessed with her appearance and self centered, sleeping most of the time and not taking the shit ton of pills she'd been prescribed. She promised not to drink, we let go a lot but there's only so much we could do.

Had a fulltime job. The shop was not for me and told me (a week in, working with a new system and they wouldn't let me do anything, made me do what I've been doing for over 10 years in a completely different way) that I needed to "impress them more". This was the day after I watched the woman who was like a little sister being escorted off by EMTs after being talked down. I quit shortly thereafter.

Had a great job at a cool, sold things more my style (and not pretentious) the people were fun and lovely, I was on a trial basis for 2 weeks at $10 an hour then up to $12 on the books. The first Monday Medra had to have emergency surgery, despite offering to come in until I was needed (to bring her home) they told me to take the day. Okay cool. Then the next Saturday, I covered for the other new girl. On my way to the T, I was nearly hit by a car then fell really hard on my knees, using my arm to brace myself. I kept going, made a sling out of my scarf during the majority of work (got an actual sling during lunch, after 3PM.) I went to get an Xray the next day because it hurt something terrible and it turns out I broke my fucking elbow. I emailed them, letting them know what happened but that I'd still be happy to come in and do what I could until it healed, despite the doctor telling me I shouldn't.

I got fired.

I finally got my check from them, so I'm thinking about reporting them for breaking labor laws.

After that happened I began looking at internships in my field, since most jobs want at least 2 years experience - HA! and I prepped everything to apply for one at the Museum of Fine Arts only for it to be for undergrads only. Which they took over a week to fucking tell me since they took 5 days to respond and not answer my question. Sent them a response and another 4 days.

That combined with the outcome of the election has had me preeeeetty depressed. Got my grades the day after the election (2 weeks late.) UK/Scotland's grading system is weird, but I'm still upset I didn't do better on my dissertation.

My old store, Xylem, has moved an hour and a half away so it's not really feasible for me. BUT it looks like there will be a pop up store version, and I just got word it's a go! So I'll be there full time for at least a month!

Gained weight, shocking I know. But I've got a new doctor, got blood work and flu shots. I'm trying to adult, really I am.

May post later with thoughts on the shit show that is our political situation. [shrugs]

Stay safe out there. ♥


real life: grad school, real life: 2016 is a fucking shit show, real life: update

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