Sunday Ramble

Nov 18, 2007 13:24

Am at work. On a Sunday. I'm supposed to be working on payroll but I'm sort of over that, in a way. I just do not want to look at another spreadsheet right now.

My brain hurts from going over the slashfest spreadsheet as there are so many things that are not on it and are on the claiming posts. So, I'm going through and cleaning that up. I went through 40 requests and it took me an hour. Only another 410 outstanding requests to go. *false excitement*

Then, when I was checking to see who was a member and who wasn't, I noticed that the memories were only at like 300 memories and I thought for sure that couldn't be right. So, I went through a couple of posts and I noticed that nothing from the past 2.5 rounds had been entered into the memories. UGH. Two hours later, the memories are now up to date through the last 2.5 rounds. But as I was doing that, I wondered if slashfest should also go to a tagging system in addition to the memories. IDK, though. It's going to be a lot of work that I do not have time to do right now.

What do you guys think? Tag it or no? Anyone want to help? I'm thinking only tag by fandom. (ie - Fandom: Harry Potter)

I'm in love with my yuletide entry and can only hope that my recipient will love it half as much as I do.
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