Oct 05, 2005 18:25
i hate:
homework [i have too much]
biology [lab reports, and other homework because my teacher is a nazi]
algebra [failing]
myspace [it's being a sped]
english [i have to make a portfolio for the great gatsby, take notes, analyze quotes and write an essay]
latin [because it is like super boring]
trying to make graphs on word.
trying to figure out sources of error for a lab
and alot of things that pretain to school work.
but i love school.
***** join the classical scociety.. it's the latin club but any language can join. we're getting t-shirts and planning trips and one of them might be an overnight to boston and we'll visit musuesm {however you spell that}*****
---> OH and i want to read morning anouncements at school in the morning over the PA system in the morning! how awesome would that be. ireally want to read them. like real bad.<---