(no subject)

Jun 09, 2005 11:44

Yesterday was a really happy day for me (apart from about half an hour, which can be forgotten); it's the first time in about three months, maybe even longer, that I've been able to feel completely carefree and relaxed. I've had my final year project stuff going on for ages, then exams, then waiting for that thing on Monday/Tuesday... but all that is over now, so there really isn't very much for me to worry about. :) Well, there is my results (some of which I will get tomorrow), but I'm not really one to worry too much about results. Add to that the fact that it was a wonderful day -mid-twenties, not a cloud in the sky- and it's bound to make me happy. I went to Wolverhampton with Jane... I like going there. I'm not one of those people who seriously thinks their hometown is the best place in the world, despite the fact that it clearly isn't; so I can see that W'ton isn't a particularly great place. But it does have quite a nice atmosphere (better than Birmingham), especially on a day like yesterday, and I do have some attachment to it. It's easy for me to feel relaxed there, I guess. Not that it's exactly my home town, I lived 6 or so miles away in a fairly unadjoined village, but eh. >_>

Anyway, as I was saying... yeah, that was nice. Then we had pizza, and at about half 6 went to Edgbaston reservoir near our home and walked around half of it - we took some bread to feed the ducks. ^_^ And coots (they're pretty exciteable and aggressive >_>), moorhen (which are cute) and Canada geese. :p Feeding ducks is great, they're some of the coolest animals. We always make sure to feed every one we see equally, as well. xX :p There were babies around as well - we saw baby moorhen, coots and geese, all of which were highly cute. It was still really warm as well, even at around 7:30.

Today... I dunno, I'm feeling a bit of a comedown after yesterday. I'm alright, just feeling a bit, well, nothingy. Blah. It's a reasonably nice day again, but there are quite a few clouds about... stupid clouds, blocking out my sun. >_< *should move to Nevada* There's nothing in particular on my mind, although I'm feeling slightly anxious anyway, I'm not sure why. Oh well. Should be ok once Jane gets back and we can play games and whatnot.

I just need to keep telling myself that Summer has only just started - I knew that yesterday, but now I'm feeling a bit more pessimistic and imagining it slipping away... it'll be August before I know it. :/ *thinks* ...blah. Logic is failing me at the moment.

Um, what else. Exam Results tomorrow! Wish me luck, or something. Also, Japanese punk music is cool!
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