Jun 25, 2005 14:42
My recent life:
I graduated with a 2.1 (I'm not sure if the classification for degrees is universal; 2.1 is the second-best of four classifications, or you can just get a degree without honours [or something]). A little disappointing, I was hoping for a first, but after my final year project -which did indeed drag me down, otherwise I may have got a 1st after all- I was pleased enough to take a 2.1. Peter had a pretty disastrous set of final exams, including one mark of 16%, so he ended up with a 2.2. He chose exactly the same modules as me this year, and we both got one classification lower than we might have done; maybe they were particularly difficult modules? Well, some of them, anyway. In any case, I'm satisfied. I'm now a Bachelor of Science, or something.
However, I accidentally (I swear it was an accident; although maybe there was some subconscious intention there >_>) mistook the date by which you had to order your graduation gown thingie ordered... I thought it was June 31st, but it turns out that it was yesterday. :| No gown = no graduation ceremony. I don't care personally, I didn't want to go anyway, but both Jane and my mom seemed to want me to. I doubt Peter got one in time either, since I'd told him "the end of June" (he's too lazy to look himself). So, unless I can get something sorted (I'll talk to Peter on Monday I guess), I'll have to call up the university and tell them to post my degree. I think there's some way I can defer my graduation until December and have a ceremony then, but I kinda need my degree sooner than that. So I can, like, get a job. Before then, I'll be having 6 weeks or so of relaxation though. :P
In other news, Jane and I will be in Paris between the 23rd and 27th of July. Why? Well, it's Jane's birthday on the 26th, and it just so happens that Dir en Grey are playing in Paris a couple of days before then. I think they're the biggest Jrock band to ever come to Europe, so I definitely couldn't miss out on that. It would have been a bit too expensive - £500+, not including spending money - but since it's Jane's birthday, her parents are paying for most of it. :) And mine are paying for travelling (actually, that's about half the cost... it's pretty expensive to get there compared to actually staying there).
Anything else? Let's see... uh, the weather needs to pick up again immediately. ¬_¬