Last night we had our Speedo Bear Bust which was a mild success. Ah all know how it is. What WAS a success was that Matt had a good time. With this damn eye infection bothering him for the past couple of weeks, not only was he feeling yucky, but he couldn't even kill any zombies! He was able to go to work yesterday and i had sent a copy of
"Breathers", a rom-zom-com book that
Diablo Cody, Oscar-winner for "Juno", is currently in the process of adapting for the screen, and the DVD of
"Dr Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog" that is supposed to be really funny. And you should have seen him laugh and smile last night. You don't know how happy that made me. And that's what it's all about.
If you'd like to see the full version of this pic, click
here. There are a couple of other speedo bear shots around there too.