No Rest For The woof-ed

May 18, 2008 12:58

About a month and a half ago, we went over to our buddies, Roger & Art's, to demo their kitchen and promised that we'd come and help install the new cabinets when they arrived. Well, lucky me, the Amish delivered them yesterday. Guess what that meant? No matter, a promise is a promise and to be honest, installing the new ones was a helluva lot easier than demo'ing the old ones. Of course, these old houses are neither plumb nor level, so we had to make sure they were all leveled off and screwed together and shimmed out. That way when the counter tops and backsplash and trim gets put in, it'll look great and their eggs won't go slushing up in one end of the frying pan or rolling off the counter.

We wrapped up, went and relaxed a bit, had dinner with Ken and Lance and then met up with everyone down at JJ's. Matt was rockin' his new Killer Bob zombie-killer t-shirt that i got him at TBRU and everyone thought it was way cool. OH, i forgot to tell you. Matt twisted his ankle by stepping on Coco when he got home from work Friday night which is why he's in such a strange position at the door in yesterday's post. So i've been taking care of him (in more ways than one). Poor baby. So we didn't stay out too late, but that's OK. More time to snuggle with him.

366, labor, kitchen

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