How do cats manage to be so frickin cute?
Beware of the cat by ~
KateWalker on
deviantART I am sorting out my tabs... I had a BILLION open, and then it takes me ages to get back to them all. I need to start actioning things straight away so I then close them straight away.
I have booked my car in for a service.
I have my list of mortgage brokers to call (although I'm not going to call them till I have my car back. :P)
Now I am up to calling Quokka to see if I can help get my friend a job, then cleaning, then art and socialising. yay life!
I majorly overslept this morning, not sure if I needed it or if I was just being lazy. I find it hard getting up sometimes. Sometimes I wake up so groggy that I get halfway through thinking "I should get up now".. before I am asleep again. :P I find that putting my phone (with my alarm) on the other side of the room really helps. I am up and turning it off before I have actually woken up. Although that only works if I don't look back at how warm and inviting my bed is, or else I'm back there in an instant.