Dear Yuletide writer:

Nov 21, 2011 22:34

Dear Yuletide writer:

First of all thank you for writing a fic for me! :)

Generally, I like character driven fic, and, especially this time of year, fic that has happy or at least hopeful endings. I'm a slasher, yes, but I am just as happy to read gen or het, whatever the story lends itself to. Mainly I like reading about characters connecting on some level, be that relationshippy or famillial or whatever. Schmoop is fine, angst is fine too as long as it's resolved, whatever feels right for the story.

1. The Agency

I got interested in this show when I dl'ed some eps to see Richard Speight Jr in it and so it's probably no surprise that Lex is the character I most want to have a story about. But I also fell in love with the other characters and the way their all interact. Like I said in my requests, I would love to see how Lex got recruited, but anything that features interaction between him and Joshua would be amazing. Actually any fic for this would be amazing as it's pretty much non-existent.

2. Vorkosigan Saga

I love these books with a passion, and all the characters in them, but especially the Vorkosigans (and yes, especially Miles himself). The specific request I made -- namely a missing scene fic showing Miles and Mark's return to Barrayar and their reunion with their parents at the end of Mirror Dance-- has been something I've been jonsing for for a long time and I will adore you if you write this for me. :) But I'll love anything that shows any or all of the Vorkosigans interacting. Aside from that if you want to go the slashy route, I have become rather attached to the idea of Miles/Gregor and anything with them would also be awesome.

3. Luther

The thing that fascinates me the most from this series is the relationship between John Luther and Alice Morgan and anything exploring that would be awesome. I've had some weird whatifs pass through my head when thinking about what I'd like to see them in -- stuff like seeing them work together in the middle of an apocalypse (zombie or otherwise) -- so feel free to go crazy with AUs if you want with this.

4. Nightrunner Series

I adore Seregil and Alec and anything with them will make me happy. I thought it might be interesting to do something with how Thero sees them over the years -- both as individuals and as talimenios, but that was just an idea that flitted through my head. I honestly would be happy with anything with Seregil and Alec so if you have another idea hit you, feel free to go for it (even if it doesn't include Thero)

Once again thank you for writing something just for me. Most of all, I hope you have fun playing with these characters and writing a story because that's what it's all about! :)


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