SPN Time for a Wedding thoughts

Nov 11, 2011 22:36

I have mixed feelings about tonight's ep.

The bit with Crowley was completely made of awesome. Mark Sheppard should be on my tv screen all the time because he always makes things better. Also I kinda like the beard.

There were a lot of things in the ep that I laughed at. But....

I don't really like what they did with Becky here. I think I would've liked the ep a lot more if the girl had been someone other than Becky.

Becky's always kinda been a wink and a nod by the writers at the fans -- a way of gently poking fun at us the same way they've poked fun at themselves in other ways with the meta. When she was first introduced she was superobsessed, yes, shown to write bad wincest fic, and didn't really seem to know where the boundaries with the boys were (or at least Sam), but she was good hearted and was willing to help. It felt like a gentle poking of fun at.

The next time we see her in Real Ghostbusters, she's still super obsessed and blind to boundaries, but the subtext in this ep -- Chuck (who is the character who on a meta level represents Kripke) desires her and eventually ends up with her could be seen as meta for the writers and ptb courting the fans. Also it's Becky's comprehensive knowledge of the Supernatural books' canon that end up giving the boys an essential lead. And face it, us fans do tend to end up knowing more, or at least remembering more little details than anyone else, including the people working on the show. Again it felt like an affectionate nod to the fans to me.

And this ep... it did get some things right in that weird meta way SPN occasionally has of depicting things. Frankly, Becky with Sam was kinda like watching someone live out their own Mary Sue fic. And the turn into Misery territory kinda worked for me too. But...

The whole thing about Becky having no friends and being a failure/unlikeable/etc... I think that skated for me really close to a line that I'm not entirely sure they stayed on the right side of. I think maybe there needed to be a bit more something positive with Becky at the end for me maybe, like in her other appearances. Maybe her not making the deal and helping the boys get the demon into their trap, and also killing the intern demon was supposed to be that, but I think the scene at the end kinda negated that for me a little? I dunno. I probably need to watch the ep again and maybe I'll change my mind. But it felt maybe a little too much like making fun of instead of making fun with, if that makes any sense?

I mean, I didn't hate the ep, and I enjoyed most of it when I watched and all. I just... it feels more difficult to defend the Becky as writers poking gentle fun at fans this time.


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