12 & 14 April

Apr 21, 2006 15:03

12 April [2:30am-ish]

I think the worst thing about the sleeping so much is the things I think of to write just before I go to sleep, and after I've turned Heffalump off. For example, I just remember this snippet from a week or so ago.

A tree full of Indian Mynah birds may be a bad sign for the local eco-system but for a bad sign, why does it have to sound so sweet?

Mr Bulb-head is a flasher. [an example of a random thought that I have captured in type - i.e. I just thought it]

I got my 'welcome' package from the Legacy people and the only thing buzzing through my head from it is - Does my nominated legatee's family come from Victoria and if so, what are the odds that we are related through my Dad's side of the family? Has small world syndrome struck again?
Got in another round on the 'bike' and have discovered that if I go backwards first, it is definitely a good idea as I can go a bit longer and the fronts of my thighs suffer less when I do go forwards. This ranks as a good thing. Would be a better thing if I got on the damn contraption more often though but at least I've picked up the rate now I know how to protect the muscles in the front of my legs. Need to dig out some of my 'stretching' tapes and dust them off too now.
Am semi-impressed. My stock standard darning plait seems to have the correct colour that I may be able to darn some of my socks after all. Just to do it is another thing. Cutting my toenails seems to aggravate the creation [of holes] process more but is doing nothing about relieving the ingrowing problem though. I really should darn stuff though, even if only to refute my belief that society today is to much of a disposable society - that and I can't really afford to by some more. At least I don't have to get a mushroom or darning needles, already have them. Last thing I darned was the collar of a Barrister's court jacket and the shoulder of his court robes.
Did manage to get some laundry done on Monday, despite the continuing presence of Silver-eyes in the fig tree. Was amazing to watch one eating from the middle of a blackened fig in such a way that the fig had begun to resemble a miniature hanging bird's house. Got a few things from the local supermarket when I went over and picked up my Legacy package too. I really shouldn't be allowed to shop alone. Binge food is too easy to pick-up. Apparently a new Vietnamese restaurant has opened up there too. Shan't be able to give a 'critique' on it though, not at the prices they are charging [even if they are on a par with similar restaurants].
I did pull out some cookbooks to look at recipes that would make for a cheaper food budget but then I realised I was kidding myself. The memory of so many pantry 'staples' having been discarded in the past emphasised it. Yes, I can cook and not too badly either but I just don't get the inclination very often at all, especially when I'm just cooking for me. I get even fewer 'inklings' when I have to walk in to the mess that PT leaves after he's been in the kitchen.

Query - Why does it seem that CD-RW discs are no longer readily available? Is it that all those who used to stock them are doing that [shudder] 'assumption' thing and thinking that everyone has switched to DVD-RW drives now? If so, it's down right annoying!

Scanned the last of my family photos and personal photos. Just need to finish with the rest of the costume shots [and update with things that haven't been snapped] and photos of jewellery etc. Got to think about how Im going to edit the family shots for family tree site but Dad should be able to help there.
Spit - season one of both 'Hamish McBeth' and 'It Ain't Half Hot Mum' have been released. More to add to the 'dream-on' list.

Closer to 8am-ish
Got at one multi-person letter composed and ready to go. Just need to compose a couple more and then decide whether to snail or e-post the individual ones. Shall email the batch one when I can.
Have been watching 'Devdas' on tape - gorgeous costumes! Shall try and re-record it when it is shown on this Bollywood Sunday on SBS. My current copy has a dodgy intro due to poor quality tape. Am hoping that [from the shorts advertising April as 'Bollywood Sunday Month' on SBS] that 'Main Hoon Na' will show the Sunday after so that I can copy it then. politas has tried to buy it for me on DVD but the two copies he has found to date have bad sub-title/soundtrack timing issues. One of them is really bad. Is sad too because it is a great Bollywood movie and the other movies on the DVDs aren't bad either. Or I could learn to speak Hindi and do without the sub-titles... Managed to get all but the first 60 secs(?) of last Sunday's [Lagaan; Once Upon a Time in India]. Apparently it was an Oscar winner. I liked it anyway.
Time to strip the bed and make use of another sunny day by getting a load of 'linen' in the wash. Here's hoping the finches will leave it alone this time.

14 April

Laundry turned out to be more interesting than usual the other day. Took the first load out to be met by a squawking Bert who wanted attention NOW [when else] and was not below trying to trip me to get it. He figured out that wasn't going to work so went to grab at a sheet as I was lifting it out of the basket. He accidentally grabbed a sock that had become entangled in the sheet and pulled it free and back into the basket, much to his surprise [he wasn't trying to help me do my laundry!] Seeing that this didn't work either he started standing on his back legs and patting at my hips to get my attention, he even went so far as to try and jump into my arms but as he came from the side and my hands were full, this technique failed also. He finally settled for rolling in the grass, stretching and looking very cute until I finished.
Then we tried the jumping into the arms thing again with better success. To make up for missed days, it was quite a long cuddle session [I'm starting to get very small scratches on my arms and neck from his 'scritching'], he can be very sooky at times. We went and sat on the back stoop but he wasn't that comfy with the sound effects coming from the washing machine. His nerviness was very apparent then.

One of the jenny wrens turned up yesterday with two fledglings(?). Very cute the three of them were and I was cursing that there was no seed out to keep them around that little bit longer to watch.

bird observations, movies, auto-bio

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