100 Fics That I Love - #005

Jun 10, 2012 14:23


100 Fics That I Love #005

It's been forever since I did one of these, but I'm so excited to be getting back into it. :D I'd gotten sidetracked by having to visit my grandmother out of state and then when I got back I'd spent all my time catching up on stuff I missed. But no more! I want to get back into doing these fairly regularly.

ANYWAYS, the fic I've chosen for this one is another one not in the SPN fandom.

It's called Resident Bad Ass
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Reid/Morgan
Rating: Going by ff.net it's T. I'd say PG-13?
Summary: A man's reputation is what other people think of him, his character is what he really is.

I found this while I was scrolling through cmficfinders to see if there were any good Criminal Minds fic. I'd ventured to that stuff before but hadn't found anything that kept me really invested in the fic. Luckily, this time around I found quite a few fics that I enjoyed. A few of those will get mentioned later on. ;)

Some of the things I like about it, specifically:

- Reid's mouth. No, really. Okay, I mean his wit and words, but still. I'm guilty of being one of the people who adores Reid and Reid-centric fic whenever I'm in a Criminal Minds-fic kind of mood. One of my favorite things about him is how smart he is, especially when he gets to be more confident. And he shows those smarts and wit in this fic.

- Protective!Reid. I'm all for fic where Reid is the one being protected. I'm all about the hurt/comfort. But there is something so… unf about Reid being protective over his friends. Especially his best friend. I think I've developed a bit of a ~thing for it. hee. I also might go a little shivery at the smile he gives when he gets his way. Heh.

- The kiss. I am not normally one for fic where the characters are fighting and all of a sudden they're all over each other. It doesn't usually translate well as UST for me and I'm left unsatisfied because the characters never actually resolved what made them so angry in the first place. But I actually love the way the kiss is done in this fic. I even had to say so in my comment to the author because I loved it so much. :D

- Even with the protective!Reid, there's still a smidge of hurt!Reid in there and that just makes my day. ;) Because I'm one of those crazy people who seems to love seeing their favorite character hurt (so long as he gets saved/comforted/helped, of course).

- I love Hotch in this. Because he's the only one who really knows what the hell is going on before anyone else and it makes me LOL.

This entry was originally posted here.

fandom: criminal minds, 100 fics that i love, blogging challenge, 100 things, pairing: reid/morgan

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