fic: Cool Relief

May 17, 2012 12:23

Title: Cool Relief
Author: wolfish_willow
Pairing: Sam/Gabriel
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Written for fun, not profit. Characters belong to Kripke and co.
Word Count: 565
Summary: Gabriel takes care of Sam when he's sick.
Notes: I have a couple WIPs I'm trying to work on, but being away for a couple weeks messed with the momentum I had going before I left. enmuse gave me the prompts "popsicle" or "ice cream" to try and jump start something and this is what came of it. I didn't quite keep it within 100-500 words, but it didn't get away from me the way the other two fics I'm working on have.
Notes 2: I apologize if this is no good. I just wanted to post something because it's fun and I actually managed to finish it. Lololol (also, I know the title sucks, but it was that or "Untitled", LOL)

Gabriel hates seeing his lover sick, hates it even more that Sam refuses to let him take it away. He understands, respects even, the Winchester's unwillingness to rely on Castiel and him for help in everything. Becoming too dependent on a couple of angels for every little thing will only hurt them in the long run. He knows that. But being unable to heal Sam leaves Gabriel feeling antsy and helpless in a way that he hates.

Sam sniffles miserably. Gabriel frowns and sits next to his human. Reaching out a hand, he rubs the tips of his fingers in small circles on Sam's forehead. Sam lets out a rattling but relieved breath, tired eyes falling closed.

"Danks…" he says, rough voice betraying a sore throat.

"Shhh," Gabriel tries to soothe.

One of Sam's hands slides out from under the blanket. Gabriel feels long fingers curling around the hem of his shirt. He rubs Sam's head a little more firmly.

"Is there anything I can get you?" Gabriel asks, keeping his voice soft.

Sam sniffles again, curling in closer to the Gabriel. He lets go of Gabriel's shirt, instead wrapping his arm across the angel's lap. Sleepy, bloodshot eyes blink up at him. There is nothing he wants more than to snap this all away. His fingers slide further back into Sam's hair. It's tangled and a little sweaty from the slight fever he's had but Gabriel doesn't mind.

"A popsigle?" Sam asks hopefully in a small voice, sounding much like he probably had as a small sick child.

Gabriel smiles softly down at his lover. A snap of his fingers later and he's presenting a cherry popsicle to the sick human with as much of a bow as he can manage with the kid's arm sprawled over him.

There's a small smile on Sam's face when he takes the cold treat with a shaky hand.

"Danks," he says again.

"Anything for you, kiddo," Gabriel says, leaning down to press a kiss to the human's forehead. Sam doesn't want him healing all of his ails, but he can't resist easing the headache that's been growing behind Sam's eyes for hours now.

"Don't even try it," he warns quietly when Sam looks up at him through messy hair. He gets a half-hearted roll of eyes and a quiet huff, but Sam doesn't do anything more to protest Gabriel's slight bend of his rules.

"And don't drip any of that on me," he continues lightly. "I don't want to be a sticky mess like you."

This time Sam does take the treat out of his mouth, shaking his head.

"Shut up and rub my head," he says tiredly. Gabriel chuckles and does what he's told.

It's only a couple minutes before Sam's hold on the popsicle loosens. His breathing evens out, still congested but sounding better than it had the night before. Gabriel wills the now-empty stick away with a quiet snap. Just another night of this and his human should be back on his feet. Any longer than that and he doesn't think he'll be able to keep himself from just snapping Sam back to health

Settling more comfortably by Sam's side, Gabriel leans down and presses one more kiss to the top of Sam's head. "Sweet dreams, Sammy."


genre: hurt/comfort, writing, pairing: sam/gabriel, fanfiction, genre: fluff, fic: cool relief, slash, character: sam winchester, character: gabriel, rating: g, supernatural

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