NOT looking for trouble this time...honest!

Sep 05, 2008 15:29

((From here...Klank PINpoints into a secluded area of the nexus hub he and others have simply come to know as "the dressing room." Not much activity on this end, but this was the usual place he and his comrades would use to enter and exit without being noticed by the majority of the hub populace. The surrounding walls are a lined with very large ( Read more... )

dressing room, nexus rp

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l33tmedic September 10 2008, 10:47:18 UTC
One corner of Ratchet's mouth twitches. He responds to his associates without actually turning to face them. "Did I ask the two of you for advice in this matter? Shut your intakes before I slug you both! As it is, you of all mechs should ease up when deciding someone else shouldn't get a second shot at life, Moledive. At least Klank hasn't possessed any of us...yet."

"Hey, what'd you expect? I needed a body and First Gunner was a pushover!" Moledive manages to shoot back before the medic glances back over one shoulder to silence him.

Despite his aggravation with 'Dive and Catilla, however, they've managed to give him an idea. With a soft hiss, the holsters on his outer lower legs open to expose his photon pistols. He reaches for the one on the right, drawing it and whirling it up in his hand like an Old West cowboy before leveling it at Klank's face. As close as they are standing to one another, it would be little more than an arm's length, point blank shot.

But the barrel is pointing at Ratchet, not at Klank ( ... )


primus_seeress September 11 2008, 01:13:18 UTC
*She does her best to ignore the cruel banter of Ratchet's associates, though it hurts that her words made so little of an impression on them. Speaking of Ratchet... her optics flicker nervously as he reveals the weapons, and she moves a little closer to Klank, as though the proximity of a non-combatant would somehow make him safer.

She blinks in surprise as she sees how the mech is presenting his gun to Klank.

Her optics brighten in intensity, as he challenges the Decepticon. How... utterly mad, and she's sure that she doesn't like the thought of either outcome that Ratchet has speculated.

Auspex is rather sure Klank won't shoot him. She knows he is shocked, he has been insulted... and he has been given a chance to do something that was a goal of his for vorns, that he no longer wantsShe sees what Ratchet is doing, and his apparent faith in the outcome startles her. He... believes Klank. But, he's not going to let it be an easy decision for the dying mech. His ill-will is still present en force: this looks to be a revenge, ( ... )


guardianseeker September 11 2008, 06:24:29 UTC
How very Decepticon these mechs seemed to be.

Jet watched impassively as Catilla and Moledive continued to banter, seemingly oblivious to their company. It did not bother him as it was bothering Auspex; in life, he was well used to being ignored. The words were callous. Cutting. The way two Decepticons would casually discuss the fate of an Autobot prisoner bound and helpless before them - that’s what it reminded him of.

This Ratchet however - he wielded his words like a scalpel. Cruelty and he seemed to be old friends; this one was well practiced in verbally slicing ugly wounds. Wounds that could fester and sicken the patient as time went on as well as any cyberplague. A shattered glass version of the kindly mech Jet had briefly met.

Jet knew this was a test. That, somewhere inside, the mech believed Klank when he pulled that gun and turned it on himself. Didn’t stop it from being a… fraggit all… an absolutely insane test and revenge to boot ( ... )


shellshockers September 11 2008, 08:28:13 UTC
Suddenly, there's movement from the Pretender side of things. It's too much; Moledive can't take it anymore. The sight of a gun barrel to Ratchet's head despite the situation sends him back vorns to a time and a place where death claimed everyone he cared about. Claws snapping forward and ray wings opening, he takes a split second to coil for the strike ( ... )


wolfinbotsarmor September 11 2008, 08:46:14 UTC
The struggle behind Ratchet is little more than white noise to the two age old rivals. Klank is vaguely aware of Auspex's presence. Ratchet senses his comrades are torn over what to do, but they'll have to last just a moment or two longer ( ... )


l33tmedic September 11 2008, 10:28:57 UTC
As Klank's knees hit the floor, the Pretenders cease their struggle, both looking on in shock. Ratchet shutters his optics a moment, the tension flowing right out of him and the hateful expression on his faceplate evaporating in almost an instant.

There is no smug sense of self satisfaction. Only relief. As he picks up the pistol in one hand, bending his arm at the elbow joint and pointing the weapon barrel up, Ratchet pulls the trigger.

...only a harmless click follows. Certain, Ratchet was not.

"YOU VALVEHOLE!" Moledive shouts from across the way, half in rage and half in relief. "You could have at least secure comm'ed to tell us you disabled that fragging thing before you gave it to him ( ... )


primus_seeress September 11 2008, 23:27:02 UTC
*Auspex's optics are wide and bright, as Moledive attempts to pounce, and is held back by Catilla and the cat-shell. His outburst, the desperate clawing - there is old pain there, fear of loss... There is always a story behind every action, and she's just seen a tiny glimpse of a bigger story ( ... )


guardianseeker September 12 2008, 09:20:47 UTC

Jet tensed, optics flaring bloody scarlet in horror - Moledive was moving and it was all going to Unicron gift-wrapped and he needed to act! - and then in muted relief as Catilla and his shell tackled his companion to the ground. He held himself in check, rigid, resisting the impulse to act, to do something and focused on the Allspark singing in the back of his spark and mind to cue him in on that right moment to intercede.

Because… aw Primus, this was no time for acting stupid and impulsive.

He watched the confrontation between Ratchet and Klank, and the struggle between the two on the side with equal tight-coiled attention. Things built, reached a crescendo, and then the gun went off.

Thank the Allspark, Primus, and Cybertron itself! DisabledBut, lugnuts, how ( ... )


l33tmedic September 12 2008, 12:04:41 UTC
Ratchet replaces the photon pistol in the holster on his right, the weapon fitting down into the metal sheath with a soft click before folding down and compacting so the whole can slide back into place and become part of his leg again. Like most of what's already gone on, there's a story behind the pistol and why it was inactive when pulled. The whole situation brings a mild feeling of deja vu for Ratchet, since it's actually Klank's fault he implemented such safeguards in the first place ( ... )


primus_seeress September 13 2008, 05:30:56 UTC
*She agrees with Ratchet's note on their last fight* Your brief description of your condition was enough, I think, yes. It's... *she shakes her head* I try not to think about the sorts of things Primus' children have done to each other, in the name of faction, and rivalry, whether personal vindication, or impersonal battle. It is a painful thing, that Primus must endure. I find much respite in truces; I'm very glad for this one. *she smiles wanly, giving Ratchet's hand a return squeeze before withdrawing hers and curling it in her lap. She keeps her arm around Klank's shoulders, glancing to make sure she's not flaking off any metal. She looks up at Jet for a moment, giving him a faint smile, with a hint of "why us?" sentiment ( ... )


guardianseeker September 13 2008, 07:44:25 UTC
‘Why us?’ the expression sent to him asked. Jet looked back at Auspex with an answering look. ‘If not us then who?’

“… not too many things can pull a spark from the Allspark by force. Usually the spark in question decides to come back itself on its own - happens… uh, often enough in my home universe. Or is sent out, like me.” The Commander, Blackstar, Duskwing… This was not even to speak of the mechs completely returning from the Dead. He frowned, nodding, consulting the Allspark. Yeah, that made sense. Reality flux. Unusual, depended on the right conditions - but yeeeeah. “Dark Science is the usual way sparks are yanked out, but… um… if the barriers between the Well and the Living World are weakened enough… yeah… that would have done it ( ... )


l33tmedic September 13 2008, 23:27:49 UTC
"I think I've heard 'Dive use the name Rampage once or twice, but most of his mutterings refer to the killer beast as 'X.' In any case, it's led to him being the way he is and having already died once, he's not afraid to end up dead again." Ratchet considers Jet's explanation and figures the last part does enough to explain it. "I'm not sure you could call the mixture of tech that caused the warping actual Dark Science, but there was a definite weakening in the walls of reality. It bore holes between our universe and several others, so it could be that it also started to break down the walls between the living and the dead ( ... )


primus_seeress September 14 2008, 04:04:46 UTC
Eats--? *Auspex boggles. And boggles more* I met a Rampage in the Nexus. He never said anything about... anything like that. He was doing well, actually, had learned to control what he admitted used to be a raging temper. Perhaps... *she mulls this over, trusting what she sensed of him to be true...* Perhaps the one I met experienced a revelation, such as Klank's.

*she considers further, recalling other conversations, now that she's focusing on the subject* In another incident, I encountered a remnant of a Rampage's spark in a strange... conglomerate mech. That one was mean-spirited. If that is how most people know him, and if he has... some sort of hold on sparks... the individual I know best, is obviously not the norm for him ( ... )


guardianseeker September 14 2008, 07:25:00 UTC
“That’s what the Allspark says about the mech in general, Auspex, ma’am. Doesn’t mean it holds true for all of the alternates of him.”

But… yeah, what little the Allspark had said… Primus, creepy, creepy. This X… Rampage… what he did to mechs was uncomfortably similar to the manner in which Jet had been snuffed.

It was war, and he was the enemy - Jet knew the sword swung both ways in regards to that saying. But Baklava Pax had been…

… yeah.

“The reality flux could be the thing that weakened the walls…” a thoughtful pause as something occurred to him, “though if someone had been yanking out sparks in your universe somewhere, the walls between the Allspark and the Living World would have been weakened for … uh, some time after the breach. No telling how long; the Well exists outside normal time and space… so, in some realities where the walls meet, things heal up quick like… other places, um, not so quick. Could’ve helped things along in this case.” Ailerons twitched again. “But there’s really no telling. These things are tricky at ( ... )


l33tmedic September 14 2008, 09:19:31 UTC
"A lot of things went terribly wrong towards the end. I've actually stopped trying to figure it all out because at this stage? There's no point," Ratchet says with a shrug before turning and starting down a row of lockers, motioning for the others to follow him. "Holes in time and space, time paradoxes, the truth of the future being too known by those who shouldn't have known, the arrival of multiple Unicrons... Slagged everything up and destroyed our reality. I blame everyone and no one, if that makes sense. At least this place gave us somewhere to go ( ... )


primus_seeress September 15 2008, 04:00:58 UTC
*Auspex follows, looking around the unfamiliar room curiously, as she goes.*

Ohh. You're from the destroyed reality... *she nods slowly, now having a group to associate them with* But... multiple Unicrons...? *her optics brighten, but flicker as she tries to get her mind around that* Generally, only one manifestation at a time will be in a single reality, as with Primus. That... is not supposed to happen. It sounds as though things were quite messy... *she winces*

*she frowns in concern as Klank admits the beginnings of difficulty with identity* Reminding you of your life, should help, though there may be things you do not wish to remember... well, there must be some memories that still bring comfort ( ... )


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