NOT looking for trouble this time...honest!

Sep 05, 2008 15:29

((From here...Klank PINpoints into a secluded area of the nexus hub he and others have simply come to know as "the dressing room." Not much activity on this end, but this was the usual place he and his comrades would use to enter and exit without being noticed by the majority of the hub populace. The surrounding walls are a lined with very large ( Read more... )

dressing room, nexus rp

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shellshockers September 11 2008, 08:28:13 UTC
Suddenly, there's movement from the Pretender side of things. It's too much; Moledive can't take it anymore. The sight of a gun barrel to Ratchet's head despite the situation sends him back vorns to a time and a place where death claimed everyone he cared about. Claws snapping forward and ray wings opening, he takes a split second to coil for the strike.

Fortunately, Catilla is quicker.

"No, DON'T!" The former law enforcement officer's hands seize Moledive by the tail and stop him short, the cut off jump causing him to hit the floor with a clang and a snarl. "Get back here! You get in the middle of that and someone WILL get shot!"

"We can't trust him! We can't! YOU CAN NEVER TRUST THEM!" Moledive scrambles to get up, talons tearing up the floor.

Then Catilla's shell is on him, weighing him down. Catilla himself locks Moledive into a wrestling hold, restraining him, his feet sliding over the floor to push them both further away. Dental plates gritted, Catilla can only hope this ends quickly before it all goes to the Pit. "Breathe, you slagger! Calm down!"


wolfinbotsarmor September 11 2008, 08:46:14 UTC
The struggle behind Ratchet is little more than white noise to the two age old rivals. Klank is vaguely aware of Auspex's presence. Ratchet senses his comrades are torn over what to do, but they'll have to last just a moment or two longer.

Klank stares into the ice blue optics of Ratchet, his hand shaking as he holds the photon pistol to the medic's forehead. What he would have given to have this same scenario before his death. And now, after the fact, the chance is finally right in front of him.

And he doesn't want to do it.

"So what all my torment has done to you," he rasps, unable to speak without a waver to his voice. "This is what finally became of Cravata's chosen student. There was a time I would have loved this, but now..."

Ratchet bristles visibly, the white fur on his shoulders standing up as he bares his fangs. "Not proud of yourself, Klank? Why ever not? You tormented and hurt me. You lashed out at those I cared about. You threatened the life of a human woman just to get at me! You even attacked my alternates, so convinced were you that you were in the right! And now you, once so proud of yourself, stand before me as a trembling shell of a mech. ...PULL THE TRIGGER ALREADY!"

Klank draws air through his intakes faster, slowly starting to shake his head. "Dear I...I can't..."

"WHY NOT!?" Ratchet's response is a roar, his optics flaring as cold blue slits. "DO OR DIE, KLANK!"

"'s not who I am anymore..."

Sinking to his knees, Klank drops the pistol and covers his face with his hands, body quaking. He can be heard murmuring continual, muffled apologies as he sits at his rival's feet.


l33tmedic September 11 2008, 10:28:57 UTC
As Klank's knees hit the floor, the Pretenders cease their struggle, both looking on in shock. Ratchet shutters his optics a moment, the tension flowing right out of him and the hateful expression on his faceplate evaporating in almost an instant.

There is no smug sense of self satisfaction. Only relief. As he picks up the pistol in one hand, bending his arm at the elbow joint and pointing the weapon barrel up, Ratchet pulls the trigger.

...only a harmless click follows. Certain, Ratchet was not.

"YOU VALVEHOLE!" Moledive shouts from across the way, half in rage and half in relief. "You could have at least secure comm'ed to tell us you disabled that fragging thing before you gave it to him!"

"Cool your jets, 'Dive," Ratchet responds evenly as he glances back at his lot. "I want the two of you to go back to the Den and get our crates open. We should have a portable spark chamber somewhere in all that. Find it and run a diagnostic it."

"Come on, mech. You heard the Boss. Sounds like we're gonna haul Klank's aft out of the, the void. Whatever.." Catilla gets up off his comrade before helping him to his feet.

Moledive casts a wary glance in the direction of Klank, Auspex and Jet before departing, following Catilla away and back down the rows of lowers they emerged from earlier.

Huffing out air through his intakes as he cycles his heated systems down a bit further after his outburst, Ratchet regards Klank with regret before kneeling down in front of him and resting one hand on his shoulder. "Klank... You passed. I'm...actually sorry I had to do that, but you know what you've done to me and to them. I've got no Prime. We've both got no home. This is what I've got left and after you tried to take all from me the last time, I had to be sure. Absolutely, one hundred percent certain that you weren't going to kill me or the rest of my pack. And sometimes something has to be broken before it can be remade and mend stronger than it was before. You know that as well as I do. Slap me upside the head for it later, I don't care. Just as long as all the brutality is over and done with."

Klank slowly takes his hands from his face, only glancing up when Ratchet is through speaking to nod mutely. Positively overwhelmed by everything that's transpired in the last breem or so, he can do little more than sit and try to recover, intakes wheezing.

Ratchet takes his hand from Klank's shoulder and stands, turning his attention to Jet and Auspex. "My apologies to the both of you. My instinct was to trust... I wanted to believe you. You have no idea how many times I wanted this madness to fragging end. When Klank self detonated to avenge Drakkan and save Steiner, I thought that was it. Yet I found myself left with too many questions. Moledive, even though he was there when it happened, has never been able to relay all the details back to me to my satisfaction. We had decided to jail Klank. We didn't mean for him to die. And when he went out, I was left feeling strangely empty, half wondering if maybe there had been some small part of him worth saving after all, if just in those final moments." He pauses, frowning and shaking his head wearily. "But even though I wanted to believe both of you, I got too little left to lose. Don't take it as an insult. The words of two strangers versus half a lifetime of experience are a little difficult to trust on blind faith. But at least you're here... If you hadn't been, Klank would be dead right now. Moledive would've beat Catilla and I here and killed him without a second thought. 'Dive isn't a bad mech... He's just...overprotective of what little he has in life."


primus_seeress September 11 2008, 23:27:02 UTC
*Auspex's optics are wide and bright, as Moledive attempts to pounce, and is held back by Catilla and the cat-shell. His outburst, the desperate clawing - there is old pain there, fear of loss... There is always a story behind every action, and she's just seen a tiny glimpse of a bigger story.

She has a feeling this will all prove to be much more complicated than it seems.

Optics not dimming or narrowing an iota, her gaze is back to the stand-off between Klank and Ratchet. They do flicker, as Ratchet recounts his grievances against his rival. She's not pleased at what she hears - but she knows what Klank had been, and is no longer. She flinches at Ratchet's shouting, at the hard emotions he's projecting, along with the words; there is so much pain there, and it makes her head hurt...

And then, the fury and resentment is gone. And the gun is triggered, and does not fire.

Auspex stands numbly for several moments, just taking in the remaining emotions of those around her, trying to make sense of it all.

She'd misjudged Ratchet, really... though his anger had been very genuine, the source of it, apparently, was not Klank - not exactly, not completely... more the actions themselves. How he'd managed to disarm the pistol, she has no idea, didn't know it could even be done. She still does not approve of his method, how it hurt Klank, hurt his friend Moledive, hurt himself.

As Moledive glances their way, she gazes back at him, expression full of tired sympathy. When he is gone, she looks down at Ratchet, as he speaks to his rival. He speaks wisdom... but she is still reeling with the heavy emotions his methods had inspired. She understands the reason for cutting down Klank's pride, now: he'd not been as certain as he'd seemed - though he wanted to be, or he would not have invented such a test in the first place, she believes - and was making sure that arrogance would never be a factor to counter Klank's new outlook. Still... there were less traumatic ways to find his answer, little need for the rage and the shouting... and she can't help but agree with Moledive's admonition that he should have been told, first.

When Ratchet stands, her gaze holds on Klank, and then she crouches beside him, carefully draping a supporting arm around his shoulders. She listens attentively to Ratchet, expression blankly weary, nodding slowly, as he explains himself. When he is finished, she reaches out with her other hand, to take his, if he'll let her*

I understand, I think... *her tone becomes mildly reproachful* Though I also think that was more painful than it needed to be, for all of you. But... yes, I understand your hesitance to trust us. *she looks between them, with another quiet sigh* I can see... there are volumes of pain between you, and there's so much to overcome. But you have a common goal, now, in seeing an end to your hatred, and that is quite a relief to me.

As for your friend... he too is carrying pain, and he does himself a disservice, to cover it with rage. He may find himself regretting grave mistakes, if he continues that way. *she frowns in concern*


guardianseeker September 12 2008, 09:20:47 UTC

Jet tensed, optics flaring bloody scarlet in horror - Moledive was moving and it was all going to Unicron gift-wrapped and he needed to act! - and then in muted relief as Catilla and his shell tackled his companion to the ground. He held himself in check, rigid, resisting the impulse to act, to do something and focused on the Allspark singing in the back of his spark and mind to cue him in on that right moment to intercede.

Because… aw Primus, this was no time for acting stupid and impulsive.

He watched the confrontation between Ratchet and Klank, and the struggle between the two on the side with equal tight-coiled attention. Things built, reached a crescendo, and then the gun went off.

Thank the Allspark, Primus, and Cybertron itself! Disabled.

But, lugnuts, how?

Jet could ask later.

The memory that passed for cranial circuits began to ache slightly. A lot had happened in the last few moments - and Jet wanted a few clicks to digest it all. He shot Moledive a wearily sympathetic look himself - he was not the only one who had vorns scared off his unlife, though he understood why they weren’t told. Ratchet had needed genuine reactions help to pull off his ploy. Turbine blades whirled slowly and wings drooped slightly.

But in the end, was all that really necessary? Jet would have preferred a way that didn’t have the peril of a firefight, potential injuries, and the chance of more dead mechs joining the ranks.

Not that he would have let it happen. No sir.

He was going to have to reassess his opinion of the guy a bit. One thing, manifolds of steel. Other thing… crazy. And not just like the turbofox.

Jet ran a hand over his face. “I understand.” A white wing with blue detailing flicked briefly, flashing the purple brand. He was of Decepticon origin; he knew how difficult it was to earn trust and how quickly it was lost. Jet would let Auspex do the mild verbal scolding; he would let his wish that things had… perhaps… been handled in a manner that would less potentially incite the spilling of fuel read in the weary lines of his frame.

A glance backward to the retreating backs of Moledive and Catilla before Jet turned his gaze back to Ratchet and nodded in agreement with Auspex. “… or landing in situations he may not be able to handle,” he murmured softly. The Dead were more vulnerable than many supposed. Something he and Auspex knew quite well.


l33tmedic September 12 2008, 12:04:41 UTC
Ratchet replaces the photon pistol in the holster on his right, the weapon fitting down into the metal sheath with a soft click before folding down and compacting so the whole can slide back into place and become part of his leg again. Like most of what's already gone on, there's a story behind the pistol and why it was inactive when pulled. The whole situation brings a mild feeling of deja vu for Ratchet, since it's actually Klank's fault he implemented such safeguards in the first place.

"Pain is always relative, unfortunately. It's probably a good thing you didn't see what we did to each other the last time we had the chance to really fight, just before his death," Ratchet responds to Auspex, nodding once in Klank's direction with a frown. He allows Auspex to take his hand a moment, offering her a gentle squeeze in return for her display of concern. "You never know what you're capable of until you feel like you might have to kill. It really was like two packs of rabid animals tearing at each other. There have also been worse things said that, well, really shouldn't ever be repeated."

"Agreed," Klank says quietly, finally ready to speak a little. He finds himself leaning into Auspex's half embrace, content to simply stay where he is for the moment and draw what comfort he can in the idea that someone doesn't mind behind in contact with his decaying shell. "Heh... You really put your all into it, eh, Ratchet? You son of a glitch. I would slap you one right now if I was not so damn tired."

Ratchet manages a small smirk. "Saying you'll quit high grade is easier when there's not a shot glass in front of you. That's the real test, isn't it?"

Klank glances up at him. "Do I want to know what you might have done if I had failed and pulled the trigger?"

"I'll be honest... I'm not sure WHAT I would have done," comes the response, the smirk vanishing as quickly as it appeared. "I don't think you'd still be here, though. At the very least, we would have chased you off our turf." Ratchet turns to the subject of his walking dead companion, since it's been commented on. "If either of you want to try and discuss Moledive's issues with him, you're welcome to try. I haven't know him quite as long as Catilla and Chainclaw and he's difficult to talk to half the time, but I have managed to learn a few things about him over the last few months. In his former life, he served as a colony Peace Marshal, but everything went to the Pit when some experimental life form of Cybertronian creation named 'Protoform X' went crazy and destroyed his entire colony. Moledive was the only survivor. He became obsessed with hunting X, ruthlessly pursuing him across time and space until he finally caught up with the slagger and killed him with a shard of energon through the spark. The resulting backlash destroyed Moledive in the same stroke. I'm a little hazy on how exactly he was torn from the Well of All Sparks to join what was once Optimus Prime's Earth detachment, but it had something to do with all of reality going wonky. He possessed a mech named First Gunner for a while, needing a body so he wouldn't expire again, then took over a shell I made for him. That's pretty much where he stayed and still is, now. Anger management is definitely not his strong point, though. And folks say I've got temper problems."


primus_seeress September 13 2008, 05:30:56 UTC
*She agrees with Ratchet's note on their last fight* Your brief description of your condition was enough, I think, yes. It's... *she shakes her head* I try not to think about the sorts of things Primus' children have done to each other, in the name of faction, and rivalry, whether personal vindication, or impersonal battle. It is a painful thing, that Primus must endure. I find much respite in truces; I'm very glad for this one. *she smiles wanly, giving Ratchet's hand a return squeeze before withdrawing hers and curling it in her lap. She keeps her arm around Klank's shoulders, glancing to make sure she's not flaking off any metal. She looks up at Jet for a moment, giving him a faint smile, with a hint of "why us?" sentiment.*

*She winces at the speculative question* It's... best not contemplated, I think. *she's not sure she could have taken the emotion of it...*

Protoform... *her optics widen* Wasn't that... Rampage? *She met someone, who called him that, once... Oh dear. Complicated, indeed!* I've... met a few people in the Nexus, that have pieces of stories that match up to that... *she blinks* I'll... have to take the time to think about that.


guardianseeker September 13 2008, 07:44:25 UTC
‘Why us?’ the expression sent to him asked. Jet looked back at Auspex with an answering look. ‘If not us then who?’

“… not too many things can pull a spark from the Allspark by force. Usually the spark in question decides to come back itself on its own - happens… uh, often enough in my home universe. Or is sent out, like me.” The Commander, Blackstar, Duskwing… This was not even to speak of the mechs completely returning from the Dead. He frowned, nodding, consulting the Allspark. Yeah, that made sense. Reality flux. Unusual, depended on the right conditions - but yeeeeah. “Dark Science is the usual way sparks are yanked out, but… um… if the barriers between the Well and the Living World are weakened enough… yeah… that would have done it.”

Ailerons twitched. Oooops! Half thinking aloud there.

“… it was, Auspex, ma’am. There’s been more than one mech with that name… but I’m pretty sure we’re talking about the fragger who eats sparks.”

Cannibalism. Touchy Subject for Jet. The topic never inspired fun and family friendly trips down memory lane for him.


l33tmedic September 13 2008, 23:27:49 UTC
"I think I've heard 'Dive use the name Rampage once or twice, but most of his mutterings refer to the killer beast as 'X.' In any case, it's led to him being the way he is and having already died once, he's not afraid to end up dead again." Ratchet considers Jet's explanation and figures the last part does enough to explain it. "I'm not sure you could call the mixture of tech that caused the warping actual Dark Science, but there was a definite weakening in the walls of reality. It bore holes between our universe and several others, so it could be that it also started to break down the walls between the living and the dead."

"But had something to do with keeping Moledive alive once he returned from the Well." Klank is staring up at Ratchet with some hope and even a little newfound respect. "Can you repeat the process?"

"Whoa, hang on," Ratchet responds, ridges rising in concern. "What happened with him and what happened with you may not be entirely the same in terms of cause, so I don't know. If you know anything about your own condition, I need to know it, too. And I'll have to get you open and check you out on the inside, as well. After all, when Moledive came back, he was just a disembodied spark. You've actually got your shell back. Er, what's left of it, anyway."

Ratchet offers Klank one hand. After staring at it a moment, Klank takes it and allows himself to be slowly helped to his feet, gently taking Auspex's arm from around him as he does so.

"Your vitals are also a disaster. I'll get you back to the Den where we can get you some energon. Besides, my help is going to be worthless if you stay in the open in your condition. You ticked off a number of Autobots from other realities around here and they might shoot you if they see you. That doesn't count the Decepticons who come around, occasionally drunk, and trash anything that moves." Glancing to Jet and then Auspex, Ratchet offers them a small smile. "I don't know how much you two wanted to invest in Rusty here, but you're welcome to either hang around a little longer or go on your way. Join us for some mid-grade if you want. This place has no end of it."


primus_seeress September 14 2008, 04:04:46 UTC
Eats--? *Auspex boggles. And boggles more* I met a Rampage in the Nexus. He never said anything about... anything like that. He was doing well, actually, had learned to control what he admitted used to be a raging temper. Perhaps... *she mulls this over, trusting what she sensed of him to be true...* Perhaps the one I met experienced a revelation, such as Klank's.

*she considers further, recalling other conversations, now that she's focusing on the subject* In another incident, I encountered a remnant of a Rampage's spark in a strange... conglomerate mech. That one was mean-spirited. If that is how most people know him, and if he has... some sort of hold on sparks... the individual I know best, is obviously not the norm for him.

Warping reality..? That sounds rather ominous... *She states the obvious at times. Please forgive her.*

*Auspex wavers for a moment, considering* Is... there any danger of his spark slipping away while you work on this? Or someone having... an emotional explosion, for lack of a better term? *There's a bare hint of rueful smile on her face* Perhaps I'm somewhat of a hoverer.

((All puns about her altmode are purely unintentional. ;) ))


guardianseeker September 14 2008, 07:25:00 UTC
“That’s what the Allspark says about the mech in general, Auspex, ma’am. Doesn’t mean it holds true for all of the alternates of him.”

But… yeah, what little the Allspark had said… Primus, creepy, creepy. This X… Rampage… what he did to mechs was uncomfortably similar to the manner in which Jet had been snuffed.

It was war, and he was the enemy - Jet knew the sword swung both ways in regards to that saying. But Baklava Pax had been…

… yeah.

“The reality flux could be the thing that weakened the walls…” a thoughtful pause as something occurred to him, “though if someone had been yanking out sparks in your universe somewhere, the walls between the Allspark and the Living World would have been weakened for … uh, some time after the breach. No telling how long; the Well exists outside normal time and space… so, in some realities where the walls meet, things heal up quick like… other places, um, not so quick. Could’ve helped things along in this case.” Ailerons twitched again. “But there’s really no telling. These things are tricky at the best of times.”

“I’d better stick around as well. No telling when that LOL is going to start wearing off and if, er, he’s going to start being drawn back to the Void when that happens. Might need someone to fly after him to grab him if so.”


l33tmedic September 14 2008, 09:19:31 UTC
"A lot of things went terribly wrong towards the end. I've actually stopped trying to figure it all out because at this stage? There's no point," Ratchet says with a shrug before turning and starting down a row of lockers, motioning for the others to follow him. "Holes in time and space, time paradoxes, the truth of the future being too known by those who shouldn't have known, the arrival of multiple Unicrons... Slagged everything up and destroyed our reality. I blame everyone and no one, if that makes sense. At least this place gave us somewhere to go."

Klank nods gratefully to both Auspex and Jet for their willingness to accompany him a bit longer, careful to keep pace with them as the former Autobot CMO leads the way into a more secluded area. "I am still regenerating as I decay, I feel, but for how much longer... My own brief studies were somewhat inconclusive. I just know that I do not want to go back to the Void. I...I already find myself struggling now with personal identity. To be further and eventually completely lost..."

The trek to the Den isn't a terribly long one and when they arrive, it's apparent that Ratchet and his associates have been around long enough to take over one area and do some extensive remodeling. A large section of wall has been torn out and walls between halls, closets and rooms knocked down to make one sizable gathering area. Sections of locker walls have been relocated and pushed together around the opening to form something of an alcove, if just to ensure privacy and give the area one definite entrance and exit. Furniture has been moved in and set up, providing places to sit and work. Several kegs of energon sit off to one side, one up on a table already tapped. It really is as if a group of Cybertronians moved into a gym and decided to rebuild part of it as their own personal frat house.

Over by what is obviously Ratchet's work area, Catilla is messing with a metal box of some kind, a number of wires and cables extending from two sides of it.

"That'll be your second option if you go to pieces before we can finish diagnosing you and work up a solution, Klank," Ratchet explains. "It's not anything special, but that portable spark chamber will hopefully keep you here and anchored. If we can't get you into it or keep you in it, then I guess your fate will have to be in the hands of Jet. And I wouldn't worry about any emotional explosions. I think I can keep it cool if you can, and Moledive is probably off brooding somewhere if he's not here."


primus_seeress September 15 2008, 04:00:58 UTC
*Auspex follows, looking around the unfamiliar room curiously, as she goes.*

Ohh. You're from the destroyed reality... *she nods slowly, now having a group to associate them with* But... multiple Unicrons...? *her optics brighten, but flicker as she tries to get her mind around that* Generally, only one manifestation at a time will be in a single reality, as with Primus. That... is not supposed to happen. It sounds as though things were quite messy... *she winces*

*she frowns in concern as Klank admits the beginnings of difficulty with identity* Reminding you of your life, should help, though there may be things you do not wish to remember... well, there must be some memories that still bring comfort.

*she finds this living area somewhat strange, but at least they have a place to stay. Returning her attention to the room's denizens, she sees Catilla with the portable spark chamber, and peers at it curiously, unfamiliar with such a thing. That reminds her...*

Perhaps I should mention that I know a Starscream who is dead, and he has experience with spark transfers, and keeping the dead in the living world, should you need some sort of reference knowledge. Er, it should also be noted that he is not quite as caustic as he once was, in general. He got along quite well with the Ratchet of his reality, actually. He would probably tolerate questions, if necessary. *a little amused smile shows itself briefly*


guardianseeker September 15 2008, 07:46:34 UTC
“No, it’s not.” Jet agreed darkly with Auspex, “It makes me wonder if there was... erm, a bit more going on behind the scenes than reality warping. The Priestess is right. Some of the things you’re describing shouldn’t have happened.” The expression on his face was very clear; something here sounded amiss… “… yet they did…”

Jet had no idea what that could be. No idea at all…

“The Commander may be willing to help. He certainly has a great deal of knowledge about this sort of situation,” Jet said, looking around the area. Ultra gear… this was neat. Messy… but neat. “I think he was around earlier in the Nexus. Perhaps you saw him, Klank, sir? He’s a…” once more there was a brief pause as he consulted the Allspark once again. Urgh. Primus, but he knew nothing about Earth modes, “F-22. I think he might find this… ah… interesting.”

“I would suggest memories that you feel define who you are. Those should be the most effective in combating the drift starting to occur.” The tetrajet frowned. “If it gets much worse, I’ll try to reinforce the anchors keeping your spark here. I have to warn you, if I have to intervene by channelling the power of the Allspark in you, there’ll likely be consequences. Probably at least you’ll begin to feel the same constant longing for the Well that most of us feel after we’ve left. It’s hard to turn away once you’ve been there or at least felt Its peace. Hard, but… survivable. Do you understand, Klank, sir?”


l33tmedic September 18 2008, 10:15:41 UTC
"Eh, a lot of things happened that weren't supposed to happen on all levels," Ratchet says with a shrug as he heads for a work table, which mercifully is clear. "Haul your aft up here, Klank. I'll set up an energon transfusion and check out your innards. Catilla? When are you idiots going to learn to keep this place clean? I know this is a dressing room, but Chainclaw will have a spark attack at this rate."

"It isn't that bad!" Catilla calls back with a frown. "Besides, some of it is Steiner's fault. Dude means well, but he's not exactly the most graceful bot on the block. You know how he has a tendency to knock things over."

"Is he still with Chainclaw?"

"Last I checked."

"Call them back," Ratchet orders as he assists Klank on climbing onto the table, immediately getting to work on the decaying mech. "Okay, let's see..." A pause and wide optics as he opens Klank's chest plate. "Er, whoa. Alright. Uh. I'm...just gonna take a little time here to get you cleaned out. Your insides are covered in rust dust. I guess you aren't just going to pieces on the outside."


wolfinbotsarmor September 18 2008, 10:38:25 UTC
Once he's on the table with his innards exposed, the energon transfusion starting to work, Klank resists the urge to growl at Catilla in defense of Steiner. Now really is not the time. Moreover, Ratchet's reaction to how he looks on the inside only deepens his concerns about how much longer he may last. "Ratchet, tell me this is merely another example of poor bedside manner. Is it really that bad?"

Ratchet peers closer as he extends a tool from one wrist to begin the cleaning process, a lens dropping over his optics to enhance the view. "You're regenerating quick enough to keep pace with the decay, but it's still making a mess. Too tough to say right now, but you might be coming apart at the same rate all over. I'll also need to get a sample and compare that with a piece of you we have left over from Dead City."

Klank grips the sides of the table in dread and doesn't even think to ask what that left over part of him might be, not at the moment. Instead, he chooses to focus on the mention of Starscream. Somehow, that manages to be less stressful than his own current predicament. "I met a dead Starscream just prior to meeting you, Auspex. Unfortunately, I have not had the best of luck in dealing with any Starscream and I do not think we necessarily got off on the right foot with one another. The Starscream from my own reality was a walking, flying can of crazy and had his hands into some sort of mystical power of chaos, but I digress. This other Starscream made the assumption that I am conflicted, as my spark pulls towards death yet I keep claiming I wish to live. His words to me were, 'If you want to live, figure out why you want to die.' Admittedly, that made no sense to me, whatsoever."

Glancing up from his work, Ratchet frowns. "Uh, the rest of you wants to die because you killed yourself? I mean, let's face it... Once you're dead, it's just easier to stay that way. Life is a struggle. Death is inevitable."

"That much is obvious," Klank agrees, tone dry. He then turns his head a bit trying to glance at Jet and Auspex. "I just can see little beyond it. I want to live to redeem myself, and I died to protect Steiner and avenge Drakkan. There is nothing complicated about any of that. I do not know if either of you have further insight, but anything might be helpful at this point. And I think I understand what you mean about the Well, Jet, though I have yet to reach it. I do not wish you to face any consequences for my sake, lad."


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