NOT looking for trouble this time...honest!

Sep 05, 2008 15:29

((From here...))

Klank PINpoints into a secluded area of the nexus hub he and others have simply come to know as "the dressing room." Not much activity on this end, but this was the usual place he and his comrades would use to enter and exit without being noticed by the majority of the hub populace. The surrounding walls are a lined with very large doors, many of which lead into closets, other storage areas and winding halls that lead to other areas of the dressing room. Rows of lockers obscure the view in part of the area, allowing it to remain as secluded as it does.

As soon as he's joined by the Priestess and his assigned Guardian, Klank goes about the business of trying to determine if he was correct or not, sniffing the area for familiar scents as his broken down scanners won't be able to tell him if Ratchet and his crew are present or not.

"Ratchet is definitely here, somewhere. The smell of his half organic alternate mode is fairly strong." Another tentative sniff. "The smell of soil is also evident. Moledive is in here somewhere, as well."

((My posting until weekend's end may be a little erratic. I've got an art project with a Sunday afternoon deadline, so that's been consuming a lot of time lately. If the two of you want to post back and forth a little in IC discussion in here as events occur, that's fine by me.))

dressing room, nexus rp

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