Surrendering to Illusions

Aug 15, 2008 06:59

I think this week's lesson has been that time, too, is an illusion we create in order to fool ourselves into thinking we have some semblance of control.

I've been reading the book, Midnights with the Mystic which has affirmed my other recent studies and readings about the Vedic traditions and beliefs, and repeated the same messages in many of my other favorite books along the same lines:  Illusions, The Witch of Portobello, The Alchemist, From Fixation to Freedom, and The Wise Heart.  (Hmmmm...guess I have a clue as to what I've been doing over these past few months!)

This week's lessons seem to only reinforce the messages of these books and helped to emphasize the irony of my continued efforts at controlling aspects of my life - if I'm truly going to surrender to the path of my heart, then why try to determine how and what that surrender looks like?

Sunday:  Offer placed on the table for my purchase as a slave
Monday:  Plane crew schedule mix-up causes delay in flight and prolongs the trip home with an overnight stay in Houston 
Tuesday:  Miss returning to work and end up sleeping, recovering and doing laundry; decompressing for the day; evening to APEX board meeting went later than planned; offer for my purchase was declined by MC (the certainty of which was unknown to me);
Wednesday:  Spend the evening in the ER with MC due to bike fall resulting in broken radial head (his - not mine!); means that we do not entertain our out-of-town guests for the evening!  
Thursday:  Work goes really well; new manager requests that I stay late on Friday due to overly busy clinic day - 60 patients! -  plans for assisting with APEX 20th Anniversary Party preparations are out the window; evening spent at Mill's End Coffee Munch; meet other newly arrived Arizona transplants; arrive home and watch Olympics for much later than planned.
Friday:  Pending approval for graduate level courses and tuition reimbursement; deadline is today...hah!

Lesson:  smile, relax, release and surrender.  Life is only an illusion;  We are all connected and each of us is holy.

....more to come about M/s Conference Weekend, and the Surrendering Process

surrender, spirituality

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