Happy New Year!

Jan 01, 2008 19:47

So I've been just about the least attentive blogger in the universe this month. But lest the angry townspeople pelt me with stones, let me make it clear that I spent the past week in Bandera Texas, a blip on the map more commonly known as the arse-end of the United States. I did get to see my cousins though, so things balanced out in the end. We just flew back in today, actually. It's funny to think that the next time I'm on a plane, it'll be heading to England. *excited*

The worst part about the late winter months is that an Oscar-condender hits theatres about twice a week, and it's impossible for a girl on a limited income to keep up with them all. As of this moment, I still need to see Atonement, There Will Be Blood, Persopolis, and Juno. I don't know exactly when all of this film-watching will take place, but I'm sure I can make room.

In other news, I am, according to mdlp.org, 97% done with my bowling. All I have to do now is take the final. I'm not worried about that. What I am worried about is the damn aerobics class I'm being forced to take this semester. Every day, I'll have to drag my pasty white ass to the school gym, undergo a veritable Spanish Inquisition, and then quietly die in the locker rooms. Hurrah.

But it is, after all, 2008. And hope springs anew.


bandera=arse, movie stuff, pe will srsly kill me

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