I didn't think it was possible for me to get any more excited for The Dark Knight than I already am. Then, of course, these little beauties pop up on AICN. Cinematical's layout was better though, so I linked there.
http://www.cinematical.com/2007/12/14/the-dark-knight-international-poster-s/ They're both freaking amazing, but that Joker one is gonna be hanging on my dorm wall. *throes of geekish glee*
(Oh, and by the way, rumor has it that the actual trailer is going to be online by Sunday. I resisted the urge to watch the grainy version pirated on someone's cell phone; I may be a movie addict, but I have my scruples. July can't possibly come fast enough.)
EDIT: Okay, okay, okay! I have no scruples! I watched the damn thing! AND IT WAS FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!