Funny Old World, Isn't It?

Jan 07, 2008 14:15

I spent about 8 hours in downtown Scottsdale last night, trying my level best not to have a nervous breakdown. See, I wanted (maybe "wanted" isn't the right word. More like "needed") to catch the 6:30 showing of Paul Thomas Anderson's new movie, There Will Be Blood. I've been waiting for that movie since it first screened at Fantastic Fest, and there was no way I was going to let a week go by without seeing it. So I managed to get my parents to drive me down there, only to find that the show was sold out. Bloody Scottsdale cinephiles. The only way I was going to get in was to hang around until the 10:00 show. Oh, I neglected to mention that the film is 158 minutes long. My parents weren't thrilled at the prospect of dragging themselves back up Snob Hill at 1:00 in the morning to pick me up. I don't blame them. Luckily, the movie gods interfered, and David harangued his dad into driving me home.

That's how I ended up, despite all odds, having my mind blown by nothing less than a cinematic masterpiece at precisely 10:01 pm. Hyperbole? I think not. This movie was just...phenomenal. Astounding. Beautiful. My full-on review will come later, the next time I have a chance to make a big entry.

But it's not all good news. Nick is leaving for Texas on Wednesday. That's rigt. Didn't I tell you? He's going to school up there; finishing some credits and then making the transfer to A&M. Yup. Getting a nice apartment with my cousin Allison, packing up his car, and heading out.

I know, right? This is a change, a huge change, totally not a Nick thing. But I think it'll be good for him. Seriously.


feeling old, daniel day-lewis pwns me, movie stuff

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