hold my heart

Dec 18, 2010 15:41

title: hold my heart
rating: pg-13
genre: romance
pairing: seohyun&yonghwa

In the morning it comes, heaven sent a hurricane
Not a trace of the sun but I don't even run from rain
Beating out of my chest, heart is holding on to you

sara bareilles

their pinkies are linked as they look out on balcony.

(they just don't want to turn around, turn around to see the apartment they had to clean up. it's empty now, void of their furniture and avatar plants, but it isn't void of their memories.)


yonghwa doesn't tell her that he was never a fan of gogumas as he sees her chomping away at the poor thing as if she were starved (but sometimes he thinks she is starved with how skinny she has become.) 'aigo, don't stare at me like that,' she whines, hiding her face with her hand. she can't see his toothy smile and brown liquid eyes, but he can see her in all he beauty. 'why do you always wait to gorge out on food when the cameras are off?' he asks with this small laugh. seohyun drops her hand and glares at him, 'because, i'm an idol. i don't want to look like a pig.'

he simply rolls his eyes and picks up a piece of her almost finished goguma, plopping it into his mouth. 'ah! if you wanted some you could have just asked,' she hits him on the arm before he grabs her wrist and pulls her closer.

(close, but never close enough.)

'you shouldn't care too much about what other people think you look like,' he tells her seriously (there's this raw feeling that makes her tingle and she can't help but looks away.) 'besides,' yonghwa leans in a kisses her nose,' you have a pig nose anyways.' he stands up before she can hit him again and he only laughs as she whines and pouts. (seohyun looks in the mirror later that night and touches her nose, whispering a small 'i do not.')


''why is it whenever we meet, it rains?' seohyun asks as she looks out the balcony screen door, her eyes narrowing. before yonghwa can respond, there's this boom of a thunder that makes the light flicker and the the floor shake. 'well, this time it is storming, which is why we actually have to sleep in this apartment,' he says with a sigh. 'i'll take the couch, you can take the bed,' it's a gentlemanly offer that he is obliged to make, and although he wouldn't mind sharing the bed with her - he was sure she would.

'all right, good night yong oppa.'

it isn't until she comes out later that night and yonghwa curses seeing it is 3:28 a.m., but his eyes immediately soften at that somewhat frightened seohyun. 'is everything all right?' he asks as he sits up with a groggy voice and spiked up hair. she simply nods her head before positioning herself to somehow lie down on him, her head against his chest. 'yeah, the storm is just getting really bad and i got scared because a jar dropped from the shelf and shattered. i just want to clean it in the morning,' she whispers, still tired and most likely unaware that she is lying down on yonghwa and not yoona. 'oh .. okay,' he says quietly.

(he can't believe he didn't realize the storm shaking up everything outside, probably because his heart was simply beating a thousand times faster than the world.)


he holds her a little closer to his chest, letting his fingers stroke the ends of her hair. his embrace around her is tight as she closes his eyes, simply letting her cry her heart out. 'i don't know what to do anymore, all the unnies keep fighting, i'm ..  -' 'you're tired.' yonghwa finishes her sentence. he doesn't question it, but he knows it's true. they're all tired, especially him, but he simply lets her cry herself to sleep in his arms that night.

('why is seohyun here?' minhyuk doesn't mind, but he can't help but be curious when it is four thirty in the morning and seohyun is with their leader in his bed, fast asleep. jonghyun shrugs and jungshin tries to finish his little snack, 'hyung  said that her other group members were having a hard time at the dorm, so she needed a place to stay for the night.'

minhyuk nods as he walks from the kitchen to peek into yonghwa's room, seeing him awake and leaning against the headboard as seohyun sleeps peacefully by his side.)


he presses his lips against hers, tucking strands of hair behind her ear as they sit on the bed. he doesn't really remember how he got there with seohyun, but yonghwa doesn't really make the effort to anyways. his eyes flutter open to look at her as he gulps (he has to swallow down the clenching feeling in his throat when he sees her look at him like that, a look he has never seen before.)

seohyun presses her forehead against his before taking the initiative and brushing her lips against his. 'what now?' she asks quietly. (he can hear it in her voice, the confusion, the innocence, and he dares to hear it - but the love. and honestly, he doesn't really know 'what now', but he thinks that now, that right then, didn't need a question. they could just stay like that, and he'd all ready be happy.)

he feels her eyelashes tickle against his cheek as his arm simply wraps around her waist and he pulls her in for another kiss. 'i don't really know,' he whispers as his lips brush against her ear.

'but i think we're going in the right direction.'


taeyeon tells her that she is spending too much time with him, that all they're going to be is a fake couple. (she's trying to save her, trying not to let her fall a little too hard into it. but she all ready sees the bruises and scratches she's gotten from falling in love, and taeyeon prays that seohyun doesn't end up bleeding.)

seohyun tells him that in between the middle of the kisses and hugs,
'all we're ever going to be is a fake couple.'

and yonghwa thinks she might as well have punched him in the face as he pulls away and stands up. he can feel his eyes glaze over with something cold, because that's better than showing the hurt. 'is this not real enough for you?' he asks in a stern tone, looking down. he thinks what he's feeling is one of the realest feelings one could ever have (love, but at that moment - pain.)

she tries to grab his hand and tug at his shirt as he walks out of the room, apologizing profusely, 'that's simply what she said to me.' 'i think you repeated it because you believed it,' yonghwa says before pulling away. he has about an hour to walk off the steam until the cameras come over to start the filming, and they can become to fake couple with mature seohyun and yong choding.

(he takes a walk and tries to remind himself that it isn't real, because maybe taeyeon is right. but he can't, because the only thing fake thing about the two of them was the love they denied in front of the camera.)


'seohyun-ah,' he calls her that night after filming, the feeling of unrest easing its way into his heart. it's one of their ungodly hours, but he knows she's awake, because now a days, she usually needed him to hold her until she could fall asleep.

'yes?' her words sound even weaker over the phone, but he tells himself it is in fact two something in the morning, but he knows that isn't the reason why. for them, that was considered early.

'do you believe your unnie? that this isn't real, that what you feel, is just all a lie?' yonghwa asks her with his eyes closed as he leans his head back against the wall. the seconds of silence over the phone feels like hours to him before she finally speaks something and it's like a whisper in his ear.

'i love you.'


they like getting to the apartment earlier, just the two of them, until the directors and staff come to cut into their silence. it'll only be a few more weeks they think, a few more weeks until the secrets they know become unveiled to the public once the show ends.

'yonghwa?' she mumbles sleepily as her back is faced to him. he has his arm draped over her because it perfectly fits, and he stumbles over his words but manages to say something, 'yes?'

'i think we'll be all right after this,' she tells him. she can't see his toothy smile or his brown liquid eyes, but she can feel his lips pressing against the back of her neck in a small kiss. 'i know we'll be all right.'


'now that we got married is over, do you think you will be keeping in contact with yonghwa-oppa?' they ask her at some press conference while they're promoting in japan, and seohyun simply lets out a nervous laugh.

'actually, we're together in real life now as well.'

snsd, cn blue, pairing: seohyun/yonghwa, #fanfic

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