every heart

Nov 25, 2010 12:18

title: every heart
rating: pg
genre: romance
pairing: iu&thunder, iu&seulong, iu&yoseob, iu&taeyang, dara&taeyang

she'll sing a little louder for seulong, letting her voice chime through the air and into his ears. she'll hold his hand on stage and give him a hug backstage. she'll call him oppa and tease him, steal his brownies and insist they should practice more. she'll nag him to buy her food, and when he does - well, iu thinks she is finished playing with his heart for now.

(she's only given him this little piece of her heart, but she can see how much he cherishes it since he can't get a over brown eyed girl.)

she'll laugh a little more at his corny jokes and sing marshmallow with him. she'll let him continue his raving fan boy chants and insane dance moves. she'll call him cute and giggle, and she knows that he hangs onto every word and blink of her eyelash. iu will wink at him at their next dance battle, maybe sing an acoustic version of breath, and she just hopes he won't be able to keep up with her for long.

(iu clings to each and every one of yoseob's chants. she thinks his loud voice will be able to block out the constant breaking in her heart of the pieces he doesn't have. but he has this
piece, a little bigger than seulong's, yet still smaller than the palm of her hand. and she thinks maybe one day he can have the whole thing - when she finally decides to give up on someone else.)

she'll feel her cheeks blush a little more and keep her eyes glued to the ground as taeyang tucks strands of hair behind her ear. she'll say that he is her crush, her ideal type, and she'll jump up and down whenever he touches or even comes remotely near her. and it was true at first, but suddenly she feels the butterflies losing their wings. she performs with him at his concert and sees dara watching from backstage, so she tries to convince herself thats why her and taeyang will never work out.

(but oh, by the way dara, i simply forgot to mention that i'm madly, deeply, irrevocably, in love with your brother. but it's no big deal, you can have taeyang anyways. taeyang never really had a piece of her heart to begin with, because there was barely enough left to give away. but there was a shard that she had simply reserved for him, seeing as though he actually made her
feel alive at times.)

and then she'll feel her heart beat, the rest of it that she has reserved only for him. he will laugh and pinch her cheek, make fun of her, call her ji eun, and she can't help but swallow down her pride and crumble under his touch. 'it's iu now,' she lamely jokes as she elbows thunder in the rib, furrowing her eyebrows. 'come on, take this seriously, its for my new album,' she folds her arms because they have to get back to recording.

she hears this light laugh come from him as he drapes his arm over her shoulders, 'you'll always be my ji eun, just like i'll always be your cheondung.'

(she repeats their names a few more times in her head, and with each time, she's breaking off the little pieces of her heart that she had given to seulong, yoseob, and taeyang -
only to give them to him.)

(she wonders if he knows that he holds about ninety four percent of her heart, and he wonders if she knows that she's had his all along.)

2am, pairing: iu/seulong, pairing: iu/thunder, big bang, pairing: iu/yoseob, pairing: iu/taeyang, 2ne1, beast, #fanfic, pairing: dara/taeyang, mblaq

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