it's insanity

Nov 07, 2010 13:33

 another one of my occasional drabble dumps.
/ feat; sunny&sungmin, jiyoung&taemin, iu&taeyang, dara&taeyang, taeyeon&onew, seohyun&yonghwa

hide and seek / pg
sunny & sungmin

it's their unspoken game of where he looks for her heart;
but she has hidden it so well that he has ceased to find it (she has hidden it so well, that sometimes, she forgets where she put it in the first place.) sungmin wonders why he hasn't given up yet, why he hasn't played this game with some other girl who would willingly leave her heart out there, bare and open, for him to simply have.

'i don't know if i can play this anymore,' he whispers against her neck, letting out a sigh. 'if .. this is just a game to you - ow,' he feels a sharp poke against his bicep, his eyes flickering down to her fingers which carefully close something metal and small. his eyes land on this little paper heart, pinned to his sleeve (his eyes flicker to her eyes, round and twinkling, sprinkling these words in the air that neither of them have to say.)

'you never really had to find my heart .. it has kind of been with you all along.'


trains and promises / pg
jiyoung & taemin

they're young and invincible, that's what every kid thinks.

they'll stand close to the train track, breathing, feeling, letting their fingers dance and hearts soar, letting the sparks between them burst into this thing they won't understand. 'one day, you and i will take a train,' taemin whispers to the fresh faced ten year old (he whispered these things he can't keep anywhere but his heart) 'we'll take a train to where ever.'

(what he's really saying is that he can go anywhere, as long as she is around - but they're young and naive, and trains are cooler then admitting one is in love.)

they're young and invincible, that's what every teenager thinks.
except for a broken jiyoung and taemin, who are simply young and tired.

she's standing one day by the train tracks, standing a little too close. letting her heart soar and her tears flow, and she whispers to the sky something he can't hear, 'we'll take the train where ever.' and there's this sudden voice behind her, young, strong. fragile, the same voice of a twelve year old from years ago. 'i'll keep that promise.'


the years between us / pg
iu & taeyang / taeyang & dara

'aish, you're so cute ji eun.'

she can't help but bear these thoughts of a happily ever after. these thoughts that seem to resonate in her soul ; a constant beating of thump thumps and fluttering of butterflies - and in that moment, ji eun just can't breath. she thinks one day he'll realize that age is just a number, that she's not just a cute little sister figure - and then she realizes she is a little too young. because these thoughts of a prince charming and white horse are apart of a fairytale, and to become older means to realize that her fairytale consists of marshmallows and fame - and not taeyang.

her fingers just can't seem to reach through the years in between them.

taeyang thinks he's a fool in the sight of her.

he whimpers and cringes and hangs onto all her words and winks and smiles and brushes of skin - because he can't help himself. she is his noona: sandara park, clad in beauty and freshness, and he is taeyang - clad in a hat and baggy jeans, and she won't love him. she thinks he's naive and plays around too much, but all he wants to do is show her he cares. all he wants to do is make her smile. but his methods are too immature, and he isn't who she wants.

his fingers just can't seem to reach through the years in between them.


map the heart / pg
taeyeon & onew

'what is in your heart?' onew asks her one night in their treasured darkness, his finger tip brushing down her collar bone to land where an organ beat. he could feel her pulse vibrate these soft touches through his skin, and he wondered if she could feel the sparks that he did. 'what kind of question is that?' taeyeon laughs, gently slapping his finger away. 'it's a sincere question of curiosity,' he mumbles.

her heart is so big, so beautiful, and he wonders if he actually does have a place in it. 'i'll give you a map tomorrow,' taeyeon whispers with a shake of her head, and onew fails to take her seriously.

so when tomorrow comes along and he's staring at this picture, a heart outlined pink with writing scattered all across: my eight sisters, the sm family, pudding, mother, father, singing, dancing, - and his eyes fall right to the center to see a scribbled down jinki with a little blushing face (^///^), - it's not the only face blushing.


umbrellas shielding tears / pg
seohyun & yonghwa

when she looks down, she forgets that it is raining. she forgets that it is pouring and storming, and she can't help but to think the puddle underneath her feet has been formed by the tears running down her face. then he shows up, in shock, in wonder, in pure worry, shaking her, telling her to breath, telling her to stay focused on him - but she can't. her world is teetering on the edge and in that one moment she slips, she fails to realize that yonghwa is there to catch her.

'seohyun -' 'i'm okay,' she tells yonghwa with this smile as his umbrella lingers over the two. there are these days when she loses herself to the world, where reality hits like a storm and the thunder is shaking up the colors out of their lines.

she's okay because she has him, the umbrella shielding her from her tears. 'do you know that every time we meet, it tends to rain?' seohyun tells him as her eyes flicker over, her hand finding his. his finger brushes underneath her eyes, wiping away the tears he doesn't want to see. 'do you know that every time we meet, i just fall a little deeper for you?' he asks; do you know that i wonder if that is enough to pull you through? he wonders.

pairing: sunny/sungmin, snsd, cn blue, pairing: jiyoung/taemin, pairing: taeyeon/onew, pairing: seohyun/yonghwa, super junior, big bang, 2ne1, shinee, pairing: iu/taeyang, kara, #fanfic, pairing: dara/taeyang

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