
Oct 07, 2008 23:37

Yeah, I realize no one has actually asked me any questions ever since I've started this journal and barely anyone reads it anyway, but these are questions that I would ask if I were an 'outsider' reading my semi-daily rambles. Plus, it'll help clear up some things, hopefully. I know I do tend to get very chaotic at times and it can be hard to keep up, especially if you're not used to extreme levels of insanity. SO! Let's to it.

1. What is up with your entry's titles? They make no sense! And the pig and sexual references? WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?
Short answer: I'm usually on crack. So.
Long answer: Actually, my titles make perfect sense, but not really to anyone but me. They're all expressions I've heard around the days of each entry, either from talking around with my friends or watching tv or something, and they somehow stuck with me, either because they were hilarious or.. no, it's mostly the hilarious stuff. And all of them, when in the right context, fit perfectly with the entry. For instance. My latest entry was named "What about Caroline?" Caroline is a friend of mine, who I'd been trying to set up with my other friend, N., mostly as a joke, and every few minutes he'd turn to me and ask 'What about Caroline?" Truth is, being around her sort of gets on my nerves, because she is just.. well, for lack of a better term, she is 'better' than me. Like, more outgoing, a lot prettier, much more fun, etc etc. Hell, she's even more popular with my friends than I am and she hasn't even met any of them! And my last post? Was about being sick and living through it to tell the tale. So "What about Caroline" could be extended to "What about Caroline? Can she handle this? Could she handle being me for a day and still outshine me in my own shoes?" .. I'm a slightly bitter person, you realize.. >_>
Anyway. The pig and sex references, yeah, I guess those are just recurrent topics in my conversations with my friends. We're all a bit wrong in the head.
If you want any others explained, just say so, I'd be more than happy to clarify the hidden meanings of any of them. They do amuse me.

2. On a similar note, your tags also make no sense. Zombies. Unicorns. Cupcakes. What the hell is that?
Short answer: Crack.
Long answer: Well, from my point of view, tags shouldn't just be about the entry's content, but it should also hold a bit of the writer's interest, when related to the topic at hand, so that others who share those same interests can more easily find it. That having been said, the truth is I have no actual explanation for that. Yes, they are random. They are things I like, or they're just to mess around a bit. I don't know. I try to keep myself amused.

3. What is with the initials? Are they people? Your pets? Your pet-pies? Why not just use their names? Are they in the KGB or something?
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: They stand in for the names of the people closest to me, so I can talk about them without actually disclosing their identities. J., V. and G. are the ones most commonly referenced. You should also be on the look-out for L., N. and C. (C. is not to be confused with Caroline, my other friend whose name I have no trouble using because.. I don't know why. She's somewhat shameless so why shouldn't I be the same way when talking about her, right?). They are, for reference, all males and all of who are my classmates, with the exception of C. Oh, D. and T. are friends of mine from school who I am still in touch with so they might be mentioned somewhere along the way. Quick breakdown: T. is a very good friend, very cheerful, etc, and I used to have this crush on D. for a bajillion years, but now I'm thinking he might be gay :D I've explained about the othera in one of my previous entries, and if I ever need to mention anyone else, there'll be a tiny breakdown on who they are so you can all follow, k k?

4. Right, so there's these people that are 'referenced' every now and then, but there's not that much here about your actual life, is there? Is it all just Grey's Anatomy-like drifts?
Short answer: Yes, they're bubbles.
Long answer: You're right, I'm not the type to narrate my day or anything, simply because it's really not all that interesting and, to be honest, I'm barely aware of 80% of what goes on during it. You'll notice I sometimes mention I don't even know what happened on a particular day. It's why I don't post so regularly and all, I mainly need something to trigger a chain of thoughts, otherwise known as my pseudo-philosophical rambles. I have to say that, apart from them being extremely confusing most of the time, I prefer it this way.

5. So your days are boring. We do hear a good deal about your college life and how you don't study and get screwed. Why not actually do something about that?
Short answer: Crack.
Long answer: I would, but I'm too lazy. Ha. Best long answer yet, don't you think?

6. There's not much point even asking about a social life, is there?
Short answer: You're asking anyway.
Long answer: I didn't use to have much of one, no, but I do go out a fair bit more nowadays, since now I actually have friends. Back in highschool, I made a point in not socializing, since every single person who went to my school was a preppy snob, boys included. But, as it may have occurred to you, I usually focus on the unpleasant things with a touch of dark humour and plenty of sarcastic remarks to take the edge off, and I usually have fun when I got out, so why would I talk about those occasions? I had my fun there, let's keep it there. My mind works in strange ways, it'd be best if you started getting used to it.

7. Right, so if you don't go out all that much and you don't study, what the hell do you do?
Short answer: Shoot zombies.
Long answer: Nothing. Literally, nothing. I do go to school to get some sleep during classes, and while I'm at home I usually sit and stare at the computer, sometimes talk to my friends online, watch a couple of things on tv (right now, I'm only keeping up with Supernatural and Fringe. By god, I love Fringe) and play Spore. Or Mahjong. Yeah, Mahjong.

8. Mahjong?
Short answer: Yeah, Mahjong.
Long answer: Yeah, Mahjong.

9. How long have you had this journal and how much longer do you suppose you'll be keeping it?
Short answer: Forever.
Long answer: I've actually had it since the beginning of this year, but only started posting last month. It started off with more or less daily entries, but I've been lacking inspiration lately, so there's a bigger gap from one entry to another. However, I don't intend on leaving it any time soon, since it is quite the good distraction, I have to say, even though it can be a bit of a lonely world. But hey, I can always ask myself stupid stuff, right?

10.One more for the road. What is your favourite thing in the whole wide world? *-*
Short answer: Crack. (that one just does not get old..)
Long answer: I'd have to say zombies. I have a slight obsession with them. My dream is for a Dawn of the Dead thing to happen in real life so I can run to the mall and stand on the rooftop and just shoot them in the head for the hell of it. Siiigh. I do also like cupcakes and unicorns (see, all my tags make perfect sense). My friends are great, the webernet is great, the GIMP (yea, bitches. I'm that hardcore. I spit on Photoshop.) is great, Fringe is great, riding the bus is great, physics is great, and my hardcore trashy metal punk music is great. And you're all great n__n [/end awww]

Alright, I think that's about it. Or.. something. I used to have a list of these questions, now I lost it and this happened. Go figure. If you have your own questions, add them away and I'll answer them on the FAQ's next edition. I sort of liked the whole self-interviewing thing. That's how needy I am.

frogs, friends, senseless, life, school, zombies, faq, crack, ramble, university

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