Hangeng's UFO replies 20080921 part 2

Dec 30, 2008 21:02

Fan: at a beer festival with you guys there's only one phrase: "alcohol doesn't make people drunk yet the people are intoxicated by themselves", Han-precious come have a round of Drunken Fist! *>_<*
Geng: don't know how yet~~~

Fan: Yeah~~ all the students in my dorm got a bunch of your replies~ our world is overturned with happiness, won't you say something about it..^
Geng: come to Qingdao and drink some beer haha~~~~~~

Fan: Geng-ah~ aiya, I don't know what I should say to you, er.. Ah luv ya.. how embarrassing >.< [TN: she says "I love you" in his home dialect from Heilongjiang]
Geng: did your face turn red? hehe

Fan: Did Hangeng gege see this, or did you go to sleep, or did you slip out to play? sigh... we want to eat dumplings, do you do delivery?
Geng: there isn't a delivery program yet right now,,, we don't have people [to do it]

Fan: Hangeng fighting! jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you! since I used my cell phone to type so many jia yous, give me a reply please!
Geng: jia you jia you jia you,,, let's jia you together

Fan: Geng-ah, today so many Qin [TN: I think this another way to refer to fans?] received your reply, I'm so envious. Precious, you have to take care of yourself, only if you're healthy can we be at ease. baby, I love you hehe I feel a little embarrassed
Geng: you guys have to take care of your health too,,, don't be embarrassed haha

Fan: Geng precious, I'm currently working hard to save money! I'll see you on 11.22! also, the stripping dance (= =) you did last time, what is it called?
Geng: why would you call it a stripping dance?? I have no words~~~

Fan: Sire, give me a bowl of Beijing fried rice to eat please....., would that be alright with you?~~~
Geng: Waiter, a bowl of fried rice~~~~~~~~~~~~~, Hello, that's 5 dollars please

Fan: Little Ragged Geng-ah, Princess Xin is here to leave a message, you'd better leave a reply quickly. if you still don't reply, I'm going to eat your dumpling restaurant completely out of dumplings! hmph!
Geng: then I won't leave a reply,, go eat the dumplings

Fan: Geng-ah-Geng, you ask me how deep my love for you is, the moon represents my heart~!!!! [TN: these are lyrics to an extremely famous old Chinese love song]
Geng: .....................I'll see you at night

Fan: Landlord~ you're not paying attention to me~ you're ignoring me~ hmph~ you, you, you're a basely evil person~ if you still don't reply to me then I won't even have money to eat at Mei Hua Dumpling House~ I want to eat dumplings >_<
Geng: I'm a meat-dish good person
[TN: LOL! so the word for "base" in Chinese can also mean "vegetable dish" so Geng makes a pun on that; also, it costs 1RMB to send a UFO message, which is why some fans talk about losing money]

Fan: Hangeng, do you still have a fever? do you still have a fever? do you still have a fever? if you don't reply again you'll owe me another dollar,, I charge interest!
Geng: I replied now you owe me interest

Fan: Geng, in an experiment today we actually had to kill fish, live fish! Seeing the boys [in my class] get all flustered made me think of you, heh, you must know how to kill fish right! if you were here it would've been great! heh! thinking of you...
Geng: I kill people (Counter-Strike) I don't kill fish

Fan: Dearest Landlord, no matter how busy you are you have to take care of your health, no matter what you just have to do well by yourself. we'll love you forever~~ jia you!
Geng: yep yep jia you

Fan: Geng-ah, dancing is really really hard, today I danced so much I got a leg cramp, but I still wasn't able to get it right. it would be so great if depressed me could have even half of your talent, cry
Geng: take your pain and turn it into strength!

Fan: Hangeng-ah! if you have time come to Hua Guo Mountain, I'll invite you to eat monkey meat! you have to listen, be obedient and come
Geng: you're a monkey?

Fan: Geng! I spend all day and night and every second daydreaming about you coming to take me out on a date! but why don't you ever do it?! or I could go and kidnap some tasty shrimp, will you come then?
Geng: yep, that's a good plan

Fan: Landlord, just give me a reply! I'm just counting on thisssssss! I'm waiting..... I'm waiting without sleeping!
Geng: okay,, go sleep,,,

Fan: Geng ge, the attraction of ~3000 lobsters, if you promise to come back to Hunan quickly to see us then we'll let you eat them! Or else... Hunan Geng House's girls will throw a tantrum all together!
Geng: what an incredible tantrum that would be, I bet

Fan: Landlord~ if you still don't reply to me~ I'm going to kidnap all the girls~ hmph hmph~
Geng: I'd sure like to see how you'd carry out the kidnapping haha!!

Fan: Geng-ah! next year I'm taking the college entrance exams, next year I'll come with the Qin from every province of China to Beijing to see you next year, wait for our acceptances! he

Fan: Geng precious! why aren't you paying attention to me? jiejie is hurt
Geng: I'll pay as much attention as I can to you alright?

Fan: Little Genggeng, did you get any better~ if you're better then leave me one, leave me one~~~
Geng: yep,, I'm lots better~~~~ I'm fine now

Fan: 5555 Landlord you've replied to them, just haven't replied to mine. I'm like the surplus grains at the landlord's place, do you admit it~~~~~~
Geng: hehe there's a lot of people so please understand

Fan: Young Geng, I have nothing to say to you anymore! don't you dare reply to me!
Geng: wait a sec.... should I be replying to this or not

Fan: Geng, you have to take care of your body, if you feel tired then take a rest, you still have us, we love you
Geng: thank you for your support! even if I'm tired it's worth it~

Fan: creativity~ creativity~ creativity~ urgent call for creativity~ my goal is - to have creativity~ without creativity I won't be able to have Hangeng~ does my advertisement have creativity? hehe~ come~ show a smile~
Geng: hehe!!! :)

Fan: you completely don't reply to me, you don't reply to me......... hmph, I'm ignoring you! sigh, I say, just leave me a reply, I'm already so old yet I'm still... (talking to my finger)
Geng: Elder please take care of your health

Fan: Geng-ah~~~ if you still don't reply to me~ I I... I'll cry! I'll cry really freakin hard! I'll stroke your poster and cry at the same time! ~~~555~~~
Geng: how shameful for your family huh don't be like that

Fan: does Landlord want to rest? my bed is very big~ very soft~ very comfortable~ and I know how to make really delicious dishes~ when you've slept your fill I'll bring [the dishes] to your bedside
Geng: is bright moonlight...
[TN: there's a very well-known classical Chinese poem that starts out with "bright moondlight by my bedside" and the girl ended her msg with the first half so Geng finished it off... his reply is really ingenious in Chinese but doesn't carry over in translation T_T]

Fan: I'm not lying, the fact that I'm moving forward is all due to being motivated by you! Geng thank you! you must be happy!
Fan: congratulations to Hangeng for receiving the China Mobile Good Looking Contest Award - 1000RMB in calling charges! to receive your prize, please reply to me with your cell phone number.
Geng: so the swindler text messages were actually all sent by you

Fan: Geng, your little body structure, I know you want to take care of your figure, but don't treat yourself badly. if you want to eat something good, how about jiejie will buy it for you?
Geng: okay jiejie, you have to eat well yourself too~~

Fan: other landlords are all very stout, where is there one as skinny as you?! although you're very handsome. aiya, in any case, sleep early. bye
Geng: new generation of landlords!

Fan: Geng-ah, to prove that you've received my message, please give me a reply, hehe, but if you're tired, it's okay if you don't reply
Geng: I'll prove it to you~

Fan: Geng-ya, do you know what you've turned the girls in the [Baidu] Bar into with your replies? it's to the point where the lurker mother me also wanted to come and register, hehe
Fan: Geng-ya, just wanted to tell you that there's such a group of people who aren't acquainted with each other yet are like a family who are loving you! it sounds so awkward. I have faith you're still the you that you were before......
Geng: hehe, I've also just recently registered here, it's a pretty good feeling to become even closer to them, hehe,, I hope you're healthy

Fan: Hangeng student, I'm heartbroken, how come you keep not replying to me, I might as well cry to death!
Geng: student, think of your blessings, our road and love has still a long ways to go

Fan: Hangeng ge Hangeng ge Hangeng ge Hangeng ge Hangeng ge Hangeng ge Hangeng ge Hangeng ge Hangeng ge Hangeng ge Hangeng ge Hangeng ge Hangeng ge Hangeng ge Hangeng ge Hangeng ge Hangeng ge Hangeng ge Hangeng ge Hangeng ge Hangeng ge Hangeng ge Hangeng ge Hangeng ge Hangeng ge Hangeng ge >_<~
Hangeng: yes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Fan: sire reply to my message please! today I'm really very depressed! I hope I can receive sire's comfort! sire just reply once
Geng: I'm replying~~~~ be good

Fan [username: Precious Jade]: the name Hangeng is not bad, it'll definitely become popular!
Geng: Precious Jade is also a popular name, there's red and white and green types
[TN: another pun~ "popular" and "red" are the same word in Chinese]

Fan: Landlord~ Han-little-mie~ Miemie [TN: just an endearment] ~ I know you're "meat-dish good person" ~ no "vegetable-dish bad person" ~ your reply caused some of us girls to die and some of us to go crazy~ we're waiting for you to come take responsibility/charge
Geng: what do you want me to take charge of?

Fan: Geng-ah, what are you doing~ I heard your UFO broke, but I don't believe it~ I'll send one to try it out, you have to reply to me, or else I'll really believe your UFO broke, and go find some aliens to fix it for you
Geng: UFO can break?

Fan: Geng~ my blog is chock full of your pictures and videos~ people often mistake it~ and think it's your blog~ hehe
Geng: yours is mine, and mine is also mine~

Fan: if you reply I'll treat gege to crayfish~~~~
Geng: then I'll have 5000 to start with

Fan: Hangeng have you gone to sleep? it's raining right now in Beijing, I just went out to buy covers for my bed, because last night I was woken up by the cold ~_~ I really miss my mom and dad, but I have to remain strong ^.^ what about you?
Geng: the days have gotten cold, you have to make sure you don't get a cold

Fan: Genggeng-ah, I'm curious just how small is your face? can you take a ruler and measure it and let me know? chouchou~ Little Geng be happy
Geng: it's just small enough hehe~

Fan: Geng-ah, hurry and come to Guangdong. 913 wasn't enough... I still wnat to see you^^
Geng: there'll be a chance, you wait there~

Fan: how is everyone today? I'm really depressed~ my friends gave me two hamsters~they're so cute~ but my mom won't let me keep them~ she's mad at me and won't talk to me~ how annoying~ when will I be able to do what I want~
Geng: when you have the ability...

Fan: Geng precious, what are you busy with? if you don't reply to me again be careful that the girls will have a change of heart! all these girls loving you must make you really happy huh? no matter what you have to take care of yourself, if you aren't obedient then we'll turn to BOBO ^_^
Geng: if I don't reply to you, then you'll have a change of heart?????

Originally at: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=480893753
Translated by: incoherents@thirdchapter.org OR withcoffee


There's still another batch to be translated... -_- Where he gets the stamina to make so many replies I have no clue! -_-
(Although, I think these replies really span about a week's time, but the fans compiled them all into one post labeled with one date.)

sj-m, !translations

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