Hangeng's UFO replies 20080921 part 1

Oct 20, 2008 15:07

There are too many TNs sprinkled throughout the translations, for which I apologize D:


Q: Hangeng ge, did you eat seafood in Qingdao? Eat a lot of baked oysters for me. After you come back to Beijing there's also a lot of good food I can take you to eat.
Geng: If you eat too much you'll get inflammed. ^^ [TN: has to do with Chinese belief of a balance of elements, so certain foods have "fire" while others have "Water" etc.]

Q: Geng just look at me once. I'll give you a lollipop
Geng: How about something else?

Q: Little Geng, if you're happy then we're happy, take care of yourself more, get more sleep, don't play too much
Geng: Same to you, you have to be happy

Q: I got sick after 913 [TN: 913 refers to the SM TOWN concert in Shanghai].. I just had an IV, geges come comfort me~ geges have to take care of yourselves, it sucks having a cold
Geng: you have to take care of your body, your body is your capital

Q: Geng, I'm so hungry right now! Hurry and give me a reply, I've already said I won't eat until you reply. Do you have the heart to let the me who loves you go hungry?
Geng: hehe I just ate

Q: Han big Geng, watch your health, watch the condition of your body, we're waitin' for ya' to create our body's wealth. MUA kiss! [TN: she's using a kind of country-ish lingo, and I think she means she wants his baby LOL O_O]
Geng: everybody should watch your health hehe

Q: Geng baby, when'll you ride your "FUO" to Chongqing? I'll invite you to eat hot pot. I have a lot of change, let's change up the flavor a bit! What do you say?
Geng: If we're gonna eat hot pot, you'll have to exchange your coins for bills~~~~

Q: Geng baby, I'm going to learn guzheng [zither], when I become the female genius of guzheng, I'm coming to pursue you
Geng: okay jiayou~

Q: Geng baby you're too thin, eat more, if you can't even carry your bride when you get married that'll be a disaster.
Geng: hehe I'm already getting fat

Q: Geng-ah!!! I'm blowing you a thousand-km flying kiss! fly fly fly~~>.< did you get it???
Geng: it even flies too?

Q: Hangeng gege, heihei I love you, is Qingdao fun? When'll you come to Wuxi, we're waiting for you [TN: she says "I love you" with the dialect from Heilongjiang, where Geng grew up]
Geng: We'll go when we get the chance

Q: One of you, leave me a reply aye, or else I'll cry. At my age it won't be pretty if I cry~~
Geng: I'm Hangeng, be a good child and don't cry

Q: Geng ge, I'm representing your Geng House Knights group in this message: protect your Knights, we're always here
Geng: Thank you,,,,it's so great having you guys,,,,I will work hard! thank you guys

Q: Hangeng, you're biased, you answer others' FUO [messages] but not mine......*throws a tantrum*~~~ if you don't answer I won't get up~~oh~
Geng: If I see it I'll definitely reply

Q: Genggeng, hurry and learn Cantonese~ I love you! I'm so hung up on you!
Geng: it's too hard to learn

Q: Geng-ah, did you eat? hehe, today's my birthday~ I'm fully 20 now~ come over tonight, I'll invite you to eat cake!^^
Geng: First I'll wish you happy birthday hehe,,,but I can't get over there

Q: Geng-ah I really want to see your reply
Geng: If I see it I'll definitely reply to you

Q: Hangeng gege, how are you recently? You must watch out for your health. I'll love you forever.. jiea you. I know you're very strong. You're my role model..
Geng: We need to work hard and jia you together

Q: Geng, I just made a bet with my friend, if you don't reply to me then I won't eat for a week. You won't watch me starve to death right?
Geng: I replied,, don't mistreat yourself

Q: Calling Hangeng, calling Hangeng, you have to reply to me. Your figure is so great, is there a secret?
Geng: This you have to ask my mom~~~~

Q: Hangeng, I'm so excited, what should I say, jia you, rest properly
Geng: Say whatever you want to say

Q: Hello Hangeng, I really like you and think you're such a good person, jia you, I will quietly support you. I just want to say don't be too tired, when your heart gets tired then take a rest, the entertainment circle is very chaotic, be careful
Geng: As long as I present myself well then that's good , , , no matter how chaotic they are, I'm still me

Q: Genggeng-ah, you've replied to so many in just one day, but no reply to me, I'm suspicious
Geng: If I see then I'll reply,, for sure

Q: Geng baby ah, I'm also really good at cooking fried rice! Is yours better or mine!
Geng: come try it~~~~~~~

Q: Geng-ah it's about to start~~are you nervous? You must give a good performance~~hehe~~
Geng: No problem

Q: Hanchouchou, why you replied to all of theirs, why you haven't replied to mine, I hate you, *tantrum*
Geng: Get up the ground is dirty be a good child

Q: Genggeng, this my first time leaving a message. I'm so thankful for you, because of you I have the courage to face those bothersome things, thank you~ Remember to take care of yourself! Because you have to be a crutch for little sister me to keep going!
Geng: I should be thanking you guys, it's me who'se received the strength to move hehe

Q: It's okay if you don't understand Canto, the jies will teach you! Geng-ah, jia you, we're here with changfen, danta, and Wang Lao Gu waiting for you :)
Geng: There's food again haha,,,,,I'd better study first

Q: Landlord~ I don't have any surplus crops again, but I'm still leaving you UFOs, so leave me a reply? reply! I'm waiting for you! [TN: "landlord" is one of the nicknames Chinese fans gave Geng]
Geng: OK,,,what do you want?

Q: Hangeng ge, I've dreamt of you quite a few times, hehe, I'm a perverted woman, I'm anticipating the next time you appear totally naked, wahahaha
Geng: Your habits are bad,,,

Q: Geng-ah! I feel like I'm a pretty good person! But how come there's totally no personal quality today, I've sent so many messages but you haven't replied to a single one~ You must be very busy now? Talk to me after you're free, don't be too tired. For you to be healthy and happy is what I want the most
Geng: There was only four, some people sent so many before I saw... hehe..

Q: Geng, Geng-ah, do you miss me? I want evidence. PS: Little Bear still doesn't believe it's you who's replying. Right, and Little Rabbit, Little Four, they don't believe it. I'm disciplining them. That's right. Don't drink too much beer, even though today's very lively.
Geng: Then, how do I make them believe~?????????

Q: Hangeng ge, I want to go drink beer with you in Qingdao, but I can't go, why don't you bring some to us, hehe~~
Geng: I'm speaking realistically,, wake up,,,,, time to get out of bed~~

Q: Hangeng student, I hope you can live happily every day, I will always support you. the people around me all like you a lot as well, jia you! Let me know if you can't return my message..
Geng: Thank you guys,,, I hope you guys can live happily every day as well

Q: Geng, so many people have received your reply, envying...I want too...
Geng: how many do you want??

Q: Hangeng ge, you got thinner. Be healthy. I will go see the concert, and take you to eat stewed pork and rice noodles
Geng: I'm all fat already,,,,

Q: Geng-ah, you like to eat dumplings, so give pork and lotus root dumplings a try next time, it's really good!
Geng: Haven't had that yet,,one day I'll give it a try

Q: hehe, its my first time sending [a message through] this strange thing, Hangeng-ah, jia you. when'll you come to Zhejiang again! hehe
Geng: I'd like to go, , , when there's a chance I'll go

Q: Mr. Landlord Sir, today you delighted us to the point of insanity~ when'll you give me a reply~ or else I'll roll around the ground in a tantrum and not get up~ *continues to throw tantrum*
Geng: get up, , it's so dirty, , how come there are so many people playing on the ground today

Q: Han-big-Geng, I didn't eat enough cause I was waiting for you to reply to me, you owe me meat!!!!!
Geng: don't be impatient, , when you finish eating I'll reply, , , you're too impatient~~~~~

Q: Geng-ah for a reply from you I'm sending these like crazy! really anticipate your performance tonight... is beer good? hahaha... sadly I'm allergic to beer~ I wish for your happiness!!
Geng: when I see it I'll reply to you guys

Q: if you're the Landlord then give me a ration of rice!! Hangeng jia you!!
Geng: how much do you want???~~

Q: Little Genggeng, don't drink too much beer. I hope the Qingdao Beer Festival performance is successful
Geng: Thank you haha!!

Q: Hangeng Hangeng Hangeng Hangeng Hangeng Hangeng Hangeng Hangeng......just give us a shout out! no shout? 5555 heartache.... [TN: 5 denotes the sound of crying]
Geng: what do you want me to shout?

Q: Geng-ah, the dumplings my mom makes are delicious too, if you reply to me I'll give you some to eat, hehe. be careful of your health.
Geng: let's compare~~~~~~

Q: Hangeng-ah~ you're still not replying to me.. if you don't reply to me again I won't have money to go see your concert.. = = make your decision accordingly~
Geng: if I reply to you, you can earn money??

Q: Geng, hehe, who will be the recipient of your first UFO reply~
Geng: I forgot, hehe~~~~

Q: coming at the speed of the wind -0- Geng, is there a prize?
Geng: how many cents do you want??????

Q: Geng-ah, T0T did you receive a pile of FLY [messages]? can't help it. charisma, ah charisma. I just don't have that kind of charisma. *river of tears* you have to be happy, okay
Geng: you guys have to be happy too~~~

Q: Hangeng baby, if you return my message, I'll buy lottery tickets, and when I win, I'll bring you a box of hotpot soup base and a box of lollipops to Shanghai when I go see your concert kayy
Geng: you want to win the lottery, I want to win it too

Q: Geng, why aren't you replying? I've taken a picture with you before~~ what'll you be performing at 913 concert? when I think of you, my heart is like a sunflower
Geng: hello, I'm Hangeng, I just started using it today,, I'm still not used to it hehe

Q: Geng precious, the day after tomorrow I have exams, I hope I can receive your well-wishes *hehe* I also hope your performance tonight is successful!
Geng: you have to jia you,, hope you get a good score

Q: Ge, I can finally interact with you face to face, so excited! take care of your body, drink a lot of beer, eat a lot of seafood!!! isn't it time to change a pair of shoes? if you wear the same too long it's not good for the air huh? (*^_^*) hehe......
Geng: you think I only have that one pair?~~~~~~~~~

Q: hai [TN: sighing sound]...Geng-ah...did you eat well today? drink your fill?
Geng: yeah pretty good,,, seafood is really good

Q: Hangeng student...next time don't bring a Qingdao Beer belly to come see me~ after your performance you better go rest properly... and take care of your body properly, got it?
Geng: you're so fierce~~~~~~~~~~~!

Q: Geng, how much do you weigh now? can you teach me a good method for losing weight? at 174cm and 58kg, how much do you think I need to lose to be ideal?
Geng: I'm 180cm 65kg,,,,what do you think???

Q: Geng-ah I've thought it through. it's okay to not have a humanitarian disposition as long as you're alright
Geng: what does it have to do with a good human disposition? if you guys are alright, that's greater than anything

Q: Geng, I love you-ou-ou-ou!! please don't pretend you don't see this... I only love you *in the middle of a tantrum*
Geng: I see it,,,,, you're so old yet still throwing a tantrum~~~

Q: I thought a really long time before sending this message, I have so much I want to say to you but in the end I decided to just say one thing. You, Geng~ must always continue to be happy, we'll forever watch over you.
Geng: I also have so many things I'd like to say to you guys, you all have to be happy and joyful too

Q: Hangeng Hangeng, I'm Rongrong. you're biased, you never return my messages~ I'm not playing with you anymore, hmph!
Geng: who are you going to play with?????

Q: Gengeng.. ~I love you!! ah!!!! ~~ you don't reply to my message.. I'm growing faint with heartache..my heart's broken in pieces..!!!!!
Geng: I've replied, isn't it better to be able to accept things as they are?????~~~~

Q: Hangeng Ge, good morning~~ it's another new day~ one more day I'll love you~ hehe~ *shy*~~ good luck on your drama ^^ you'll become an outstanding actor
Geng: thank you, , I'll work hard since it's my first hehe

Q: precious Geng~~ give us a shout ba. give a shout ba... give a shout ba ba ba
Geng: ba~~~~~~~~!
[TN: 'ba' is a particle ending to sentences in Chinese that kind of denotes "let's do it" - in any case, this whole thing is kind of like going "say something" "something!"]

Q: Han-little-Geng~~~ if you don't reply I'm going to go harrass you [TN: sexual implications]~~ for real~~ I'm saying this for real~~~
Geng: I'm scared

Q: Hangeng! you have to eat more! even my mom said you've lost a lot of weight... did you hear me! you have to eat at the right times! take care of your health! or else we'll be sad!
Geng: I eat a lot but I don't grow!

Q: Landlord, reply to me~remember!
Geng: k,,,,I remembered

Q: Geng Ge-ah~~ I'm about to go take a nation-wide computing degree test~ I'm nervous~~ can you wish me good luck on my test? nervous~~nervous
Geng: don't be nervous good luck~~~~~

Q: Han-little-geng, you're ignoring me... *river of tears*~ you have to be happy...
Geng: don't run be careful the road's slippery.......
[TN: I translate 'river of tears' but in Chinese it's literally 'tears running', so Geng's making a pun here~]

Q: seeing you give personal replies T_T makes my heart ache a little [TN: in a good way]... just want to say we also love you the most Geng-rice!
Geng: my love towards you all will never change either, thank you everyone

Q: Landlord sire.. give me a reply and we'll use this message as a way to recognize each other.. you can take me back to your dumpling restaurant as a slave, I'm willing to accept my fate
Geng: we have things we're pursuing,,,, if you're going to do it you better do it well

Q: Landlord gege, you're not well, you even caught a fever. get better soon or else I don't want you as an older brother, and I'll even give all the little girls in your family a pinch of their little faces one by one, including you
Geng: this method of yours [TN: to get his attention] is the first time I've seen it,, not bad it's creative

Q: Geng, I order you to reply to me~!
Geng: there's too many,,,, you've only sent two,,, some people sent 9 and I haven't even replied to them

Q: I say I want gege to invite me to eat dumplings~ I'll invite him to eat pork stewed with flour noodles, agreed? it's a deal. hehe
Geng: what are you saying and deciding on all by yourself??????

Q: Geng gege~ no matter what other people say, we'll believe in you forever!! when you're sick, you must properly rest! or else I'll bite you! >.<
Geng: wait~~~~ lemme go wash up or else I'll be all sweaty

Q: Yeah~~~~~~ hit....hit....hit....hit....hit....hit....! plunder!.....
Geng: you've got nerves~~~~~~

Originally at: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=480893753
Translated by: incoherents@thirdchapter.org OR withcoffee

sj-m, !translations

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