Henry (20090216) & Hangeng (200901-02) UFOs, Henry cuteness

Feb 18, 2009 14:40

I've been browsing the boys' Baidu bars a lot these days ... and I found another shit-ton of UFO replies that Hangeng did... these boys really are addicted to the computer as much as we are! but I got tired of translating 23902852 messages saying he loves everybody and will work hard, so I just picked out the better ones to translate :X


Fan: Henry ge! what are you doing recently? working hard? you have to take care of yourself!
Henry: I'm really good recently! I came back to Canada..!!

Fan: Henry gege is there any boy in this world who's cuter than you?
Henry: nope! haha just kidding... there should be hahah

Fan: Dearhenry I love you so much! do you love me? hehe^^ I wish I could be with you
Henry: Jeny? [TN: the fan's username] then do you want to come over and eat with me? hurry and come! ^^ hehe

Fan: I really want to go home. do you miss home? can you chat with me? this way your Chinese can improve. I want to give you some letters...
Henry: where is your home then? I already came back to Canada... you can't be very unhappy... but I know it's really lonely to be by yourself...

Fan: henry the concert in Shanghai was very successful, you must be very happy right, next time you come to Shanghai I'll go see you again so you have to wave to me
Henry: :) I heard you guys wanted to hear me play "tears" so in Shanghai, the "tears" that I played was... especially for our Strings!
[watch fancam here]

Fan: henry ge, this is the 3rd time I'm proposing to you. Can I marry you?! I will always love you. [TN: italics = originally in English]
Henry: you want to marry off... :) :) do you know how to cook?
[TN: Henry + bad Chinese grammar = ridiculously cute]

Fan: henry, if I find a four-leaf clover, I'll definitely give it to you, and wish you eternal happiness, I love you.
Henry: hehhe :):)
[TN: the fan wrote the message in Chinese... I bet he SO did not understand :x :x :x <3]

Fan: henry I need to save money now so I can't send you fly anymore
Henry: this is good! don't send fly anymore...it's really expensive! you guys should save lots of money ok? OK? OK?

Fan: the Shanghai performance was really great, but the airport was so busy yesterday, you didn't get hurt from being squished right? it was really worrying! en, then, jia you, I support you, *muah*
Henry: thank you... did you hear me play tears for you guys? you guys said you wanted to hear me play tears... so I played it for you! did you like it?

Fan: Can I make friends with you :-)
Henry: of course...!

Fan: Henry, the concert was very successful! but Valentine's Day already passed, don't know if our little cutie's found a GF?
Henry: don't have a girlfriend... you help me find one... can you?

Originally at: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=541816799
Translated by: withcoffee


Fan: Hangeng-ah, help me get Xia Lei, I have something to ask him...
Geng: He went out to play, I'll help you relay the message

Fan: why is Stage of Youth being shown on the youth channel? I think after this series of broadcasts, your fans will increase by 00 of MM! ah~ can't take it. watching the first episode, your acting isn't bad! jia you love you! future film star
Geng: I'm not that good yet, don't jinx me. but I'll work hard

Fan: Geng precious, can I make a suggestion? you're the leader right now, I think not only do you have to even more deeply understand your members, but I hope you can become smooth but not worldly when it comes to behavioral conduct as well. even though it's hard, I believe you can do it
Geng: it's very difficult and there's a lot of pressure, I want to as well, I want to take care of everything/everyone well, it's not as easy as you guys think. I will work hard thank you

Fan: Hangeng-ge, this afternoon I watched your virgin work [TN: meaning Stage of Youth ep1], heehee, there was a big red bun on your face [TN: pimple], hee, so cute..
Geng: that time there was too much fire [qi imbalance in my body]

Fan: Hangeng-ah... how'd you get your role to be so comedic! >_<
Geng: I'm a quiet person, and don't like a ruckus hehe

Fan: Hangeng ge, are you in China? recently the temperature's gotten cold, gege you guys must watch out for your health. keep warm. Geng gege, are you with Heechul ge? help me say hi to him!
Geng: do you not go to my Cy?

Fan: ha, Hangeng, I discovered in SoY that you have a pimple on your right cheek! was it because you were so tired from filming that your hormones went out of control? take care of yourself! (you're still hot even if you have a pimple)
Geng: it's cause I'm still young hehe~~

Fan: I sent so many [UFOs], but you haven't replied to any. Is this real? If you still don't reply, I'm going to go tell Jaejoong.
Geng: what use will it be to tell him!

Fan: Han-little-Geng, if you're feeling down at any time then cry it out okay. I like the crabby Xiao Lei in SoY. ah, I'll let you know, you've got Geng fans protecting you, ELF protecting you. ge, don't be afraid, you have us.
Geng: what do I have to cry about?

Fan: in the end Landlord, you still haven't left me a FLY reply, I'm going to crouch in the corner and doodle on the wall by myself now...
Geng: who knows but you'll end up drawing Shenzhen hehe,,,

Fan: Geng student~ are you there? calling you N times~ but you ignore me, you're still ignoring me, when are you going to decide to listen to me? hmph~ if you keep ignoring me I'm going to eat you! take care of yourself, I certainly don't want to eat a nothing but skin and bones you
Geng: I'm not Tang Seng

Fan: Hangeng! just having a chat and taking pictures with you, hee... ge puts our minds at ease, said he'll introduce to you his two younger sisters, one's silly and one's clumsy! if there's a chance, I wouldn't mind that kind of introduction. add on to it, my cousin is a ph.d candidate
Geng: I didn't understand, , , hehe
[TN: lol wtf why'd you reply to something you didn't understand!]

Originally at: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=538542924
Translated by: withcoffee


(I added the above translations to this entry - made earlier than the translations above - because the following was so cute I had to share it, but I didn't want to clutter up my journal with too many entries when they can all be mushed together into one!)

Henry is so fucking cute I want to stab myself. I'm not even supposed to like him HELLO!!!! fucker :(

Translation (this is not an exact translation, more of a summary):
Henry: *out of NOWHERE, with pinyin in the middle of a bunch of Chinese topics* are you guys there????
Fangirls: *goes batshit*
Henry: it's new years so I wanted to think of the best gift to give you guys... so I thought I'd chat with you guys for awhile!
Fangirls: *goes batshit x1000*
Henry: pinyin must be hard for you guys to read so I got my younger cousin to type in Chinese for me (Me: *dying*)... its okay if you write in Chinese too because I'll make her read it to me!
Me: *too dead from Henry-fail to keep reading*

I suppose that really was him?

EDIT: Yes it was!
真的是我 It really is me
我干麻骗你们!!!! why would I lie to you guys!!!!

It's Henry... REALLY!!!!!!

你们又不相信我 you guys aren't believing in me again
跟上次一样吗 just like last time
我很伤心 I'm very hurt

EDIT2: LMAO at the fans who run their Chinese through an online translator and then post bad English with the Chinese as if he could understand that better hahahaha :x;;;

Henry: I was going to spend the new years in Beijing but Han Geng, Zhou Mi, and the Korean members all went to their own homes to spend new years so I was lonely, so I called my mom who told me to go stay with relatives in Taiwan.

EDIT4: akdgja;lgka this picture
This is NOT helping to set the mood of my GengMiRy fic. -_-;

sj-m, !translations

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