ELLE China's New Era of Sexy Men: Hangeng

Feb 14, 2009 03:25

TN: Once again... unedited. Not editing is a really bad habit... I always catch really terrible mistakes after everybody's already read it... ;;;

Han Geng: Sexiness Is Bright And Beautiful As Sunshine

Every generation has its sunshine idol, and this one is no different.

Han Geng is the sunshine idol who rapidly gained popularity two years ago, with a clean and warm smile that feels like basking in a spring breeze. Immediately upon entering the photoshoot room he is already saying his greetings; young, but mature. As the only Chinese member of Korean group Super Junior, he has a large fanbase abroad, and can be considered to be "gaining honors for his country." Ever since he became leader of the Super Junior M unit, it's been said that Chinese and Korean girls have found a common ground between themselves - discussing Han Geng.

Full of experiences and stories, there is a sense of realism in his appeal that goes beyond mere vigor and freshness. This unique flavor of a new generation sunshine idol, how is it cultivated?

After growing up in a small city in Heilongjiang province, and graduating from a traditional dance academy at the age of 18, Han Geng stood at the fork between two roads: either to safely and steadily go to Shanghai and work for the fire department's culture society with a 5000RMB monthly income and housing provided, or audition in Korea where the probability of being chosen was 1 out of 3000. "I wanted a challenge, wanted to try walking a wider road," he chose the latter.

True talent will reveal itself, after all; but the hardships were only just beginning. He went alone to Korea without knowing a word of the language, bearing the burden of huge pressure all by himself. For the first two years his life consisted solely of the company and the dorm; it was only after two years that he found out where Seoul's famous Dongdaemun was located.

After overcoming many difficulties to become Super Junior's only Chinese member, Han Geng immediately received notice that "foreigners cannot perform in Korea" and, aside from two stations in which he was allowed to appear, he was forced to wear a mask before appearing on all other shows. Han Geng says that he started crying as soon as he heard the news, but "I didn't think of leaving at all. If I left, there wouldn't be any hope at all." Thereafter, though hidden under the mask, he always performed with a smile.

"I'm pretty thankful towards the experiences I had before; without them, I wouldn't have made it to today. I learned how to persevere." After experiencing all kinds of difficulties, how his eyes often exude a stable and steady feel. Though his years are not many, women can see rays of something akin to security in his eyes.

The Han Geng offstage appears shy, claims to prefer peace and quiet, and most often goes to a tea house; he dislikes night clubs to the point that once, after forcing himself to go to a club for a friend's birthday, he almost threw up from the heavy beats of the music.

But as soon as he gets onstage and hears the music, Han Geng immediately becomes the charming and talented celebrity. On this point, "My elementary school friends were all shocked, and asked if the person onstage was really me. I don't know why, perhaps because I'm sensitive to dance, so it's easy to open up onstage and go crazy." He laughs a little with his head down.

The Han Geng offstage thinks he's bad at talking [lit. "mouth is stupid"], doesn't know how to say things to make girls happy, the most romantic thing he's done being merely accompanying a girl home on the subway and walking her home. He says even with a girl he'd been dating for four years, he never whispered sweet nothings in her ear. "Two people being together should be simple and natural, like being able to understand each other without speaking."

Yet onstage his passionate and frank side thoroughly shows itself, to the point where he can shout "I love you!" to his fans as if the words have automatically slipped out, and with super infectious enthusiasm.

"I can become cool, become cute, and become reticent. This way I can give people new things all the time! It's because my mentality is fairly simple, I believe that if I focus on one thing and do it well, good karma will come on its own time. This is probably the point of my sex appeal."

Quick Question & Answer With Hangeng:

1. If we're going on air in one minute, what will you do?
A: Dance! Dancing can really attract people.

2. You're given two minutes to secure the girl you admire, what will you say?
A: Ah... It'd be hard for me to talk for a minute, you want me to fill up two? I totally don't know how to sweet talk girls, I reckon I'd just really awkwardly say some really lame things. That's why, sigh, I still haven't found a girlfriend until now.

3. After getting up in the morning, spend three minutes to create the most sexy look. What would you normally do?
A: Bathe, brush my teeth, wash my face, and put on clean sporty clothing! The clothes I often wear are always ready nearby, for example in my bag or the table by my bed.

4. Within four minutes you break through a circle of fans, and BAM on the stage you have to show off your charms. Do you have any shortcuts?
A: Greet them while running at the same time, if I can escape then I'll run as hard as I can!
(Additional explanation: Actually there's not many shortcuts, and I've gone through quite a few painful experiences. Once, a large group of fans rushed over from all directions, a lot of people even fell down. I lowered my head and followed the people ahead of me, but rammed my head really painfully because as the security were trying to block the fans, they accidentally hit me in the head. It was too chaotic! Another time, somebody had a fansign that I didn't see, and with a boom I hit it so hard I saw stars.)

5. Press event after press event, under such tiring conditions, you have five minutes to revive your own spirits again. Do you have any secrets to doing so?
A: None. If they want a really high-spirited effect, then I'll try my hardest! Everybody wants to do their job properly, so I'll do my best to approach things with my best condition, that way both parties of the job can be influenced to help each other on!

6. What plans do you have for 2009 Valentine's Day?
A: There's a possibility I'll be working. If I'm not working, then organize a mini fanmeet and spend it with fans.


Original article: ELLE China
Translated by: withcoffee

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