Hangeng's UFO replies 20080921 part 3

Feb 02, 2009 12:05

...Thank God I am done with these finally, even if none of it is relevant anymore because 4-5 months have passed already. :X My fingers are rebelling against anything to do with UFOs at the moment, so I haven't edited these, sorry ahaha. :X Also, I try to translate based on the same grammar that's used by the original posters for accuracy, so some of the stuff might look weird because Chinese people have terrible punctuation XD;;


Fan: Hangeng ge! you're not taking us into account! you came back and didn't even say anything, don't you know how much I missed you? well I'll let that go, the most maddening is that you didn't even come online! hurry and reply please? if you still don't reply I really will cry! 5...
Geng: I replied, don't cry

Fan: +Geng, there's a typhoon so be safe. the electricity has gone out here, and the wind is really strong outside, sitting in the dark at home by myself, I miss you.
Geng: hehe you should be the one to watch out for [your safety in] the typhoon!

Fan: Geng-ah, reply to me, reply to me, times 1000. if you still don't reply I'm really going to crawl over to Horse Shiwon's side
Geng: can you not go~~

Fan: Han-little-Geng~ time to get up! teacher said boys who laze around in bed are bad boys! while you're at it, you should drag Chullie out of bed too...
Geng: I get up earlier than you

Fan: Hangeng! Hangeng! Hangeng! Hangeng! Hangeng! Sillygeng! Landlord! Give a reply please! if you don't reply I'll immediately go to Thailand to look for you guys... I'm about to go broke too! ~boohoo~
Geng: come sightsee while you're at it~
[TN: the word for "silly" that she used here is also "Han" just with a different character
TN2: the talk about being broke refers to fans needing to pay to send out UFOs]

Fan: Geng-ah~~~ I'm calling out for you! I've already achieved the ninth level of the thousand-mile echo~ did you hear it? if you still can't hear I'm going to go to the devil, throw up blood and die~~~ie~~ie~~~
Geng: received it~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!

Fan: Geng-ah! reply please, reply please! let me be happy for a bit too... don't like to drink lao huo soup, let's eat crayfish okay? Landlord...
Geng: are you happy? hehe

Fan: Hangeng-ah, reply to me plese, or else I'm going to camp out in front of Plum Blossom Dumpling House. I won't miss you then.
Geng: the Olympics are just over, you're too daring~~~~~ don't threaten me~~~~~~~!!!!

Fan: today something really unfortunate happened (^_^) I'm really so depressed!!
Geng: don't be depressed, properly adjust your mentality

Fan: Hangeng I saw you at the airport you were smiling which means you understand our hearts remember to always keep smiling when you smile Geng-House's sky becomes clear
Geng: don't worry,,, hehe,, with you guys I'll be very happy

Fan: goodnight, I hope you all have good dreams
Geng: good night

Fan: Han-little-Geng, remember to close the door when you bathe, and if you meet a peeping tom don't forget to charge them for a ticket [to see the show]
Geng: how strange would that be, even to the point of charging them money

Fan: Hangeng gege, give me a reply please! or else I can't even focus on my studies.. Hangeng gege, you have to take care of yourself, only if your body is in good shape will you be able to have a good mentality. we love you!
Geng: whether or not I reply you have to study hard, jia you,,, studying is done for yourself not for anyone else

Fan: Han baby~ the food I cook is really delicious~ I really want to cook for you~ I really want to take care of you~ don't want you to be unhappy, don't want you to get sick. so please always be very very happy!
Geng: we'll all be happy

Fan: hey~ Hangeng~ do you know who "butterfly" is... hurry and tell me... or else I'll tell the reason for your rotten mouth... reply to my UFO or make me ramen...
Geng: you're pretty mean,,, I know dragonfly, are you the that insect??

Fan: whoever reads these messages is an idiot!
[TN: he literally didn't say anything LMAO!]

Fan: Geng-ah, tomorrow is jiejie my birthday, can you congratulate me (though I really don't want to grow up - -)
Geng: yep,,, happy tomorrow hehe

Fan: Geng-bao-ah... morning... it's a new day so jia you... I will study even harder for you... waiting to see your concert, love you *muah*
Geng: yeah good morning~~~~~ waiting for you to come see the concert

Fan: Geng-ah, lemme tell you, today I went and took a yearbook photo, I hope to receive a reply from you before I graduate hehe~
Geng: you're about to graduate?? I hope you find a good job hehe

Fan: Geges have to take care of your bodies~ it's autumn so don't get sick~ when you have time remember to reply to my text~ today I broke my computer so I'm currently really sad, hurry and reply to me please
Geng: your computer broke? gah~

Fan: Geges I'm so cold, my heart's cooled off! all of you guys are ignoring me, *cry*~ I'm going to go tell my mom, hmph~
Geng: your mom will support me hehe~ your heart can't cool off yet

Fan: Po-Geng, I'm telling you, I've just filled up on UFO charges, so I'm not impatient, I'll leave replies one by one. I can't believe I won't even get a single reply.
Geng: thank you for your support, jia you

Fan: Geng baby, did you see the Shen7 launch just now? ah~~~ how exciting! China jia you! jia you
Geng: everybody jia you together!
[TN: Shen7 is China's manned rocket that got launched; it's quite the thing of national pride]

Fan: beloved Geng, no matter what happens, I will never leave you, so you have to live well, after 20 years I'll still be the Geng fan who's loving you! as long as you see this it's fine, you don't need to reply.
Geng: hehe thank you, , , , let's work hard together

Fan: Hangeng, where are you hiding~~ why can't I encounter you~~ I cry I cry I cry cry cry~~
Geng: I'm not hiding... hehe~ don't cry don't cry~~

Fan: GengGengGengGengGeng... I'm raising the ALL Geng flag~!! so... raise the Geng flag!
Geng: thank you!
[TN: I don't think I'm understanding the message correctly; if anybody could check it for me please...? Here's the original: 我举ALL庚大旗哒哦~!!所以...卡庚大旗举起来!]

Fan: Po-Geng...hmph...I'm sleeping...I'm not going to take notice of you...no fun...I'm making a date with Zhou Gong~see ya
Geng: good dreams~~~
[TN: I think Zhou Gong refers to a book, "Zhou Gong Interprets Dreams," from history...?]

Fan: Shen7 is successfully flying in the sky, when are you coming over to my house, if you don't come then at least leave a reply, or else.........
Geng: or else you'll send me up on Shen7

Fan: Han-little-Geng who everyday types "flying" must be working hard! since it's a culinary fair be sure to eat good food! the weather's turned cold, remember to wear more clothing. rest well, goodnight!
Geng: goodnight~

Fan: Geng, Shen7 successfully launched! I'm so excited! I'm so proud to have been born Chinese! Geng, you are also part of China's pride! please continue to jia you!!
Geng: such weighty words~ I still have to work hard! you too~

Fan: +Geng... why aren't you replying to me~ why not? if you still don't reply I'll...I'll...keep loving you and supporting you~ I can't help it, since you're Hangeng, the one and only Geng~ we'll always be here! always with you by your side!
Geng: I saw [your messages] just now,,, thank you for your support hehe

Fan: +Hangeng gege, today they gave out scholarships but I didn't get any, my mood is in the pits, 555~depressed!
Geng: don't give up keep working hard

Fan: I say Geng-ah! I'm already in dire straights, but before I go completely broke I decided to say this last thing: perform well tonight, don't have another spasm/convulsion [TN: O_O what?!]
Geng: yep, I'll work hard,, thank you

Fan: Geng-ah, perform well tonight, I hope the performance goes without a hitch, eat well, sleep a lot, be healthy, and 11 other joys! love you love you just want to be by your side -0-
Geng: thank you, , , 10, 1 joy

Fan: ha, Student Han, Shen7 successfully launched, I'm happy, really super love China, thank God that you're a Chinese person, (*^_^*) heehee
Geng: that's right, at the time of the launch, I was at work, but I'm really proud of China~

Fan: Hangeng, I make cell phones, can you be a spokesperson for Sansui brand products! that way I can boldly and confidently fangirl you! the supervisors won't scold me either! just fulfill my wish please!
Geng: I'm not the one to make that decision hehe

Fan: Landlord~ sire~ little po' Geng~ Chou 7~...... how did your greasiness get so cute????? do you like somebody with a cute feeling or a cool feeling???? (sigh~ I probably don't have the good fortune to receive your response, but still I hope you'll be able to see this, wishing for your happiness!) *tears flowing*!!!!
Geng: your good fortune's arrived hehe

Fan: Hangeng ge: -) there'll be programs with you today and the day after tomorrow! jia you, don't be nervous, be confident, we're watching you closely, anticipating the day you can come to where we are too
Geng: after all these years on stage, I won't get nervous

Fan: Hangeng gege, I'm going to dance class in a bit, I really want to learn it well, who knows maybe I'll even be able to dance with gege, Geng ge what do you say? ^-^
Geng: learning dance is very painstaking, jia you!

Fan: Hangeng, because we waited for you yesterday, my friend even got sick. can you comfort her bit, my friend will be very happy.
Geng: health is the most important,, watch out for your health

Fan: the weather's suddenly turned cold, Hangeng remember to wear extra layers in Huaian, watch your health/ps anticipating your drama :)
Geng: thank you,, I'll work hard

Fan: Hangeng ge what are you doing? recently it suddenly turned really cold over here, don't know how it is where ge is, you have to watch out for your health
Geng: thank you, , in cooler weather you guys should watch out for your health too

Fan: Han-little-Geng, nothing much, I just wanted to say a few words to you, rest early, representing 70's mama, goodnight
Geng: sleep early, goodnight

Fan: Gege, when're you coming back to Shenzhen? we girls have been waiting this whole time! will you go to Meilin? Gege when you receive this please reply!
Geng: I'd really like to go back and see Meilin again

Fan: Geng, today is really cruel, tomorrow is even more cruel, the day after tomorrow is wonderful, but feels like most people die tomorrow night. so you must work hard every day, in order to see the sun the day after tomorrow. work together! jia you!
Geng: let's do our best together
[TN: this]

Fan: Geng baby, finally the first SJ SHOW in China is about to happen, I'm so excited, you're anticipating it a lot too right, hehe we love you!
Geng: you have to go watch it, our concert is very fun hehe

Fan: as a new generation landlord, Hangeng you have to set a good example, eat at the correct times, rest well, when the weather is cold tuck yourself in well [at night], watch out when you take off or put on clothes, your health and happiness is us Geng fans' greatest joy!
Geng: thank you,, your joy is our happiness hehe

Fan: Hangeng ge, welcome to Huaian, eat a lot, Huai-style cuisine is really delicious, I'll go see your performances!
Geng: I hope you were happy watching us today!

Fan: Han-little-Geng you sure have guts to not reply to me?! bullying a little girl like me? I'm telling you! ...watch your health, you're so thin... and also saranghaeyo
Geng: we want to love you only, but we also have to learn to respect one person, hehe ~~~I love you guys too

Fan: Hangeng gege-ah, I understand your replies... this little girl admits to her mistake and won't ever send threatening fly messages... gege don't be angry... whether you reply or not is fine as long as gege is happy that's the most important!
Geng: I wasn't angry, slowly you'll understand everything hehe
[TN: this message goes with the one directly preceding it; I pulled them out of order a bit so they make sense]

Fan: Hangeng ge what are you doing? one of my college teachers is a Mudanjiang citizen [TN: in Heilongjiang province], I was so excited, I'm planning to go see her hometown in the future, let's go together
Geng: go take a look around, my hometown isn't bad

Fan: Hangeng, I want... want... want... to... kidnap... you... to... our Wuxi prefecture, and never let you go! heh heh...
Geng: sounds a bit unresolved

Fan: Hangeng ge! I fell!! boohoo... I can't go to school now,
Geng: playing hooky~~~~~~~~~

Fan: Prince Geng in AD 2024 your birthday will be on the 30th of the [lunar new] year and mine'll be the 8th, heh heh, this is the 60th message I've left for you, will you still not reply as before? I'm going to depart from this family I'm going to rp burst out.
Geng: you've even calculated my birthday then,, that's really too radical/awesome

Fan: Geng baby, do you have double or single eyelids, how come I feel like you're suddenly single and then suddenly double~ don't tell me you have double eyelids on the inside, hehe... did you get better from your sickness, take care of yourself
Geng: I planned it like that for the odd/even days awhile ago, what do you say?

Fan: Hangeng ge just after a performance you must be tired right, the weather's gotten cold wear a lot of clothes, sleep early, I miss you AND love you~~~
Geng: got it, you hurry and sleep too, I'm going to sleep soon

Fan: Geng, I'm a 3rd year in high school, I will work hard, next year's testing for university I'm going to work hard to get into Beijing, that way I can see you!
Geng: yeah not bad, study well and I hope you can get into one of your dream schools hehe

Fan: Hangeng-ah, seems like I really am very RP, I've sent out so many, but you haven't replied at all! I'm hiding under my covers and crying. 5555.
Geng: I saw them, the air isn't good inside the covers be good and come out

Fan: Hangeng you'll be performing tonight. jia you jia you. don't know if I can go to November's concert because of an exam, Hangeng, reply to me once, just once, I'll follow you all my life!
Geng: then I'll reply to you twice

Fan: Geng daddy, did the performance end? you have to sleep early!
Geng: it already ended, I'm just about to sleep hehe

Fan: Geng-ah, just leave me one reply~~~~ do you really have the heart to watch me always bitterly waiting here? ^^~~
Geng: I don't have the heart, but sometimes I can't read every single one!

Fan: Landlord-ah, please stop exploiting poor little farmer me! if you don't reply again I'm going to go broke!
Geng: you have to save your money, don't spend it carelessly, listen up!

Fan: Big Genggeng-ah, sigh, today I've seriously been so out of it, I actually fell asleep watching a horror flick. (=_=;)
Geng: same as me,,,,, hehe.

Fan: Hangeng daddy, until now you haven't replied to a single message of mine.. you're really hard-hearted.. this little heart of mine has thus been hurt by you.. cry.. T.T
Geng: hehe I just read it,, now I've replied hehe

Fan: Hangeng I'm about to get married but I'm scared I want to run away, but, I can only resolutely believe in life and believe in him, believe that I will be happy. you must be happy too.
Geng: hehe, first I'll wish you happiness in your new marriage. you will be happy forever.

Fan: Hangeng^ did you watch Shen7's launch? Gege did you also feel proud to be born as Chinese~?
Geng: very proud , too bad I didn't see it! but I will watch the re-broadcast.

Fan: Geng, I hope you can find the happiness that belongs to you early, after all you've already had to bear too much, it's the best if you can have somebody who will share the burdens with you, I'm sorry, the things we can do for you are too little. Hangeng, you must be happy!
Geng: of course, you must be happy too!

Fan: Genggeng~ happy National day~ take care of your health, jia you~ it's enough for me to send a message, so there's no need for you to reply~
Geng: I'm just going to reply@

Fan: Hangeng Han-little-mie, the one I'm talking to is you, don't pretend you haven't heard, say something back please T0T;
Geng: mie~ [TN: the sound a sheep makes, same as "baa," and same as the nickname she called him by]

Fan: Hangeng ge, I'm about to go to military training, I heard that the officials at my school is extremely fierce, I'm really scared right now.
Geng: jia you hehe~~~~~ drink lots of water during training.

Fan: ge-ah! if you still don't reply my cell phone's going to get cancelled, ge-ah......depairing......I want to cry! my world is colored by you! ge, you must be happy! I want sister-in-law [TN: I don't know either :x]! ge, reply with a sassy one!
Geng: you also wrote something wrong

Fan: Geng-ah, you have to live well, watch out for your body's basic needs. explode so that you'll be famous the world over! jiejie will always always support you.
Geng: okay, thank you jiejie

Fan: Landlord-ah. hurry hurry. bring Heechul and we'll go to the sun. conquer the universe..
Geng: your imagination is too powerful

Fan: Geng-ah if you still don't reply, I really will kidnap you guys in the name of the moon! in the middle of transforming [TN: ...yes, a reference to Sailor Moon]
Geng: I'm watching, go ahead and transform

Fan: Han-little-Geng, happy National holiday! I heard you went back to Mudanjiang, relax and celebrate it with your family and friends! poor jiejie me I have to work overtime these seven days of the holiday... T0T~ pain added to depression......
Geng: I just wanted to see my family, hehe I hope you guys can also have a happy vacation

Fan: the me right now feels so happy! hehe~ I really like my friends too much, it's so great! a friend said that to be happy one's whole life is the best well-wishes one can give, so: Hangeng, you must be happy your whole life
Geng: friends walk together for a lifetime, , , [TN: he's quoting lyrics from a beautiful song by Wakin Chau, "Peng You"]

Fan: ge-ah~~~ today a boy in my class called you a pig, and even said you're ugly~~ I got so mad I immediately went over to the office and told the teacher about him disrupting the rules during class, and then that boy got punished 1000 lines of self-reflection~~~ hehe, after all I'm the class leader.. who told him to talk bad about you??
Geng: hehe~~~ you're certainly an interesting girl~~~~

Fan: Han Student, seeing other Geng-fans receive replies I'm really jealous why don't you leave me a reply too and let me be happy for once
Geng: be happy then

Originally at: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=480893753
Translated by: incoherents@thirdchapter.org OR withcoffee

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