[LYRICS] TOKIO - sugar

Feb 21, 2009 00:47

I am so taken with this song - actually the whole album - right now!

There's something about Nagase's voice here that's calmer, more serious, than it is in many of their other songs. In fact he sounds way better on this album in general ...because he turned 30? hee.

I found a translation that was beautiful but, since the person translated while thinking of it as a song for the fans (which it isn't), I don't think the meaning/feel was carried over properly.

今日も足早に過ぎ去ってしまうんだ そこで何を見て何を思うのか
Today also quickly draws to an end, what are you looking at and thinking about over there?
雲の形や 風の感じは きっと君の居る場所とは違うだろう
The shape of the clouds and the feel of the wind must be different from where you are

人だかりで 立ち止まって それでも旅はまだ続いてて
Even though I'm standing still in the crowd, the journey still continues
陽の明かりが消える前に 気付いてまた次を探している
Before the sunlight disappears, I come to my senses and search for what's next again

日々をくぐり抜けて 君の場所に向かっている
I'm passing through the days and heading towards where you are
まだ道は続いているから 君の事だけ考えながら
Because the road still continues; While thinking only of you
I'm walking

人が何処からか溢れてくるんだ 今日も忙しくまた動き出すでしょう
People overflowing from somewhere, they must be coming out for another busy day today

何処で悩み 何処で眠り そんな風にただ繰り返して
Worrying at some place, sleeping at some place, repeating over and over like this

言葉には出来ないカラー どんな時でも伝えている
Colors that can't be put into words, being conveyed at all times
足りないよ 温もりだけじゃ 明日もきっと考えながら
Just warmth is not enough, I'll definitely be thinking tomorrow as well

誰かの事 思い出して 傷の痛みに背中押されて
Remembering someone, being pushed from the back into the pain of a scar
夢が終わる その間に 気付いてまた次を探している
My dream ends, in that timespan I come to my senses and search for what's next again
I go searching

日々をくぐり抜けて 君の場所に向かっている
I'm passing through the days and heading towards where you are
まだ道は続いているから 君の事だけ考えながら
Because the road still continues, while thinking only of you
I'm walking
I'm thinking
I'm on my way to see you

Besides the obvious line about the colors (Colors that can't be put into words), I really like this one:
↳ I'm passing through the days and heading towards where you are
The "passing through" bit has this great connotation of "escaping" through the days... mmm, loaded lyrics ♥

It's my new ringtone. :D

!lyrics, tokio

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