another day begun

Dec 10, 2012 07:26

I have removed so many people from my friends list. And even though I am down to a very small handful, I keep wanting to delete more. It's my odd way of hiding from the world I suppose.. though nothing is sacred anymore.Those who currently remain have nothing to worry about. You are the only people with whom I have built a foundation of trust.

It has been another night of very little sleep. I played GW2 most of the night just to kill things. And not even for XP because I am using my highest level toon that is already at the level cap. There are still achievements to be had though.. Even for that one. Jumping puzzles, crafting recipies, not to mention uncovering the entire world map. So there are still goals.. and once those are accomplished I will move to PvP because nothing beats the sheer thrill of offing another person in game.

I am debating on moving my holiday tree into the library. Wondering if I could do it without breaking the ornaments. Probably not. I would probably have to take them off and redecorate. I did move my little coffee pot into my room though. I don't feel the need for coffee really. I just like the way it tastes.. and smells. Of course, right now I cant find my coffee filters so I am making chai tea instead. Either way, my room smells wonderful and it is calming. Nothing like smothering oneself in pleasant aromas.

gaming, life, xmas, friends

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