Knock on the sky and listen to the sound.

Jul 05, 2008 10:29

Hey. Guess what. Ivy is feeling peaceful. Shocking.

Course it could be due to the fact that I am doped up on lots of drugs.

Maybe I should backtrack a bit.

Course... its been months since I actually posted anything. Perhaps I should backtrack a lot? Nah. You'd be bored to tears. ;P

In a nutshell:

* Found a fabulous doctor. One that actually listens. She has an excellent eye for diagnosing and is in her 30s. Ecamer has been switched over to her care as well and Kindergoth will soon follow.

* Kindergoth is FINALLY potty-trained!!! Much to my MIL's chagrin, I kept her home for almost two weeks and worked non-stop to get her to this point. (The straw that broke the camels back was the fact that every time Kindergoth came back from a visit at the in-laws, she was acting like a spoiled-rotten little brat and I was sick of it. So to 'punish' them I said she was no longer coming over because they let her get away with everything and never disciplined her. They kept putting diapers on her and giving her everything she wanted, despite my continued requests that they not do so. Then one day, when she was throwing her normal fit because we were taking her home, she ran into the bathroom to my MIL and my MIL said to her "Don't worry, You're safe now". !!!!!!!!!!! GAH!!! Pissed Ecamer and I off to no end. Thus was born the in-laws being grounded from Kindergoth and me finally succeeding in getting her potty-trained AND behaving.) ~pat's self on back~

* The drugs... Let me just say that you never want chicken pox 2.0. Causes severe aches, not to mention nerve damage and I have it on the back of my head of all places. It hurts like hell. Constantly. It's all swollen and painful to the touch. It itches and is rashy and just.. ugh. It's driving me crazy. On the positive side, we caught it early so we were able to get the $280 Rx needed to treat it. Thank gods for insurance. Though if we didn't catch it when we did, all that I'd be able to have is pain killers and lots of them because when it comes right down to it, there is no cure. :(

* IMVU.. pain in the ass but I am actually making real money by making/selling virtual items. Ecamer says at this rate, we may actually be able to go on a vacation for or anniversary next year. I hope he's right.

* Kindergoth is in a hurry to learn how to swim without floaties. This is both good and bad. I'm happy she isn't afraid of trying, but in her rush to play in the pool with the big kids, she forgets important stuff... like the fact she is nowhere near ready to go in the deep end. Stress much?

* As for why I feel at peace right now.. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that it finally rained last evening and that the cicadas are singing. The sound reminds me of back east. And how much I miss living there. If I stare out my window into the sky, I can see the tops of the palm trees. That, combined with a bit of humidity and the cicadas song, is almost enough to convince me that I don't really live in hell.

imvu, kindergoth, health

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