Alas, the laptop's keyboard is still dead. It's not at all sticky, just unresponsive. Much love to those of you who offered advice, though! I'm going to call the 800# tonight and see what happens. Whatever the case, I'm still stuck with my old desktop's frustrating keyboard. Ugh!
This evening I saw one of the new BSG promos. It's very similar to the black revolving light ones, but focused on a single character followed by a short clip. Luckily, the one I caught was of my girl.
It features this shot of Kara with the light revolving around her head, then the scene at the end of 3.20 with her saying, "I've been to Earth, and I'm going to take us there." Yay! I can't make a video clip right now, and it's really too short and insubstantial to bother. So I took a crappy photo of the TV with my digital camera. ;)
Yup. That's my girl.
Here's some reading material for a Saturday evening...
-- From Vulture:
an interview with Julie Benz,
all five Best Picture nominees are secretly about Iraq, and
ten shows from the '80s we'd actually like Ben Silverman to revive. Ah, Bosom Buddies, I knew you well.
-- From Jezebel:
Best Actress Oscar nominees aren't all victims. Small victories?
-- The comedian Aziz Ansari has written
Friday Night Lights fanfic, featuring Smash taking on Al Qaeda. And it is HI-larious.
-- My reaction to Cloverfield: *blink*.
This website attempts to explain the end of the movie.
-- From Creative Loafing: a cute essay called
Love and Vegetables. "Can romance between a green girl and a red-meat boy survive?"
-- Jonathan Coulton
delivers a delicious smackdown on people mocking a teen girl's YouTube video.
-- And finally, check out last night's opening credits for Psych...
in Spanish! Silly show, but it always makes me laugh. :)