I'm quite pleased with myself. Just noticed today that my car is still on the same tank of gas that I got on June 18th. I probably won't have to fill up again until tomorrow or Thursday. Pretty nice, huh? It's just a little Hyundai, and it only gets around 20mpg. Then again, the odometer says I've only driven around 200 miles since then, which, in Atlanta terms, practically qualifies as being a hermit. Also, I recently hit 27,000 miles on a car I bought new in 11/03. Yay for six-mile daily commutes!
I have another new knitting project, and I'm so excited about it that I have to start spamming. This is my first attempt to create my own pattern:
a messenger bag. At least, I hope it'll turn out that way!
The yarn is some acrylic double-strand from a tiny English company. I bought it when I first learned to knit, and the resulting sweater was NOT a success, hence the recycling. Hard to tell there, but it's primarily green with another variegated strand in shades of red, honey, white, and even a bit of black. Very pretty.
I love big purses, not because I carry tons of junk, but because I want something large enough for a full-sized magazine. Plus, I like the long, messenger-style straps instead of those little handles that are in fashion now. Hmph. The original plan was to make
this bag, but as I did the top cabled bit, I decided it was too small -- and a bit boring. After playing around a bit, I found
this cable-knitting pattern for a Celtic knot. The new plan is what you see above, with perhaps a different cabling style on the other side of the bag. It's roughly 10" across. The blank space in the middle is for me to sew on a pocket for keys/cellphone. (The puffy bit toward the right is just the yarn bunched on the needle.) I'm SO proud of the Celtic knot. Isn't it gorgeous? I think it'll look quite nice with that yarn.
It's going pretty fast so far -- I only started it yesterday morning. I'll definitely be spamming with more pics as I progress. Hey, I'm a knitting addict. Just smile and nod. ;)
I finally clipped and uploaded the last thirty minutes of How I Married My High School Crush. It's still beyond cheesy, but Katee's adorable, and at least now you can find out what happened with that idiot she liked.
As I said before, please don't spread the .avis themselves, though you're welcome to link people to this post. Thanks!
13. You can't go home again. Or maybe you can?
YouTube and
14. I fear for our legal system.
YouTube and
15. Happily ever... something... with Teen!Katee.
YouTube and
And, as always, some links:
honorh reacts to Doctor Who casting spoilers. I'm with her on this one, especially #3. Whee!
greycoupon found some BSG spoilers at the bottom of
this set visit report. Another big WHEE! (At least, *I* think it's great. Might be the only one, though. ;) And if my spoiler-free friends want to read it, just stop when you get to the last section. Very cool article!
-- Amazon is taking preorders for
30 Rock on DVD.
-- Slate
rebuts the claim that same-sex marriage demeans the institution. And have I recently professed my love for Elizabeth Edwards?
-- NYTimes:
For poor families, an added burden of too many pets. Huh. That had never occurred to me before.
femmenerd has a massive list of
smutfic recs. Most are SPN, but you can find some great stuff from other fandoms in the comments.
Are the Pixar movies an animated boys town? Hmm. Love the movies, but the writer does have an interesting point.
Croc eats dog! Macabre? Sure. But fun-nee.
-- Mental Floss's blog has a fun post about
how schools are named, and asks what you'd name a school.