Who, me? A subject? Lies.

Jan 31, 2007 06:12

My big bro just sent me around 40 old pictures of our father. Some of him alone, some with the fam, and one where i'm playing with Cuddles (still have to post about that) as my iguana is clinging for dear life to my shirt. I miss Iggy.

Well, Lab sucked out loud. Tho i did get my homework done finally. Yay me. I can't wait for urinalysis to end. We didn't get out of there until 9:30, which means i missed House. I whined about it too. Sat there with a vial of "Bobby Brown's" (random names are fun) diseased urine in my hand as i stared at the clock forlornely. Also, Jimmy from class is an evil, evil person and i shall tell him this on Thursday. Car horns are not toys.

I just read my first pure Isshin/Ryuuken fic. I'm slightly disturbed because they keep Ichigo's daddy in character and you never know when he's gonna SNAP and jump about like a kid who forgot to take his Ritalin meds. Ryuuken, this is your punishment for telling your son he couldn't see Ichigo anymore. Quincy archer needs manlove.

I'm off todayyyy. I just have Advanced Phleb homework. 4chapters. And i hear each chapter is like 50 pages. Ahahahahahahahaha--*ded*

cuddles, school, dad, iggy, bleach

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