Bored Cracks is booooorrrrreeeedddd

Jan 29, 2007 19:15

Nothing to do. [insert "except homework" sidenote here]. Don't care. Oh, and i should be starting my final project on heart transplantation since it's due in April and i've yet to even gather resources. Why? I don't caaare. Lab will be something to put on my resume and that's it.

While i'm here, i shall entertain you with VIDEOS!

--Remember that MadTV football sketch where Ike and Josh seriously macked a few times? This is it. I remember falling off the couch laughing first, only to crawl back up and fall off again when Ike grabbed onto Josh's head to slow the kiss down. Method actors or more than friends? You decide.

--At least you don't have Gregory Peck's kids.

--Hey, Gene Kelly, what's u-uh-oh-OMG!

--Oh, hey again Gene! What are you doing n--OMG STEWIE! You win! Jerry can go die of cheese poisoning!


madtv, videos, school, gene kelly, family guy

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