The Strangest Thing: Sam/Hammond fic

May 01, 2004 19:58

The Strangest Thing
Rating: R
Pairing: Sam/Hammond
Spoilers: Better if you've seen Secrets and Tok'ra
Season: 5
Warnings: Ooh, boy. Feelings of the Jack/Sam variety. Angst and then some. Cross-gen. More than you probably wanted to know about George Hammond.
Summary: A conglomeration of moments and memories with a side of weirded-out teammates and ( Read more... )

samantha carter, george hammond, my fanfic, my gatefic, sam/hammond, everything gateverse

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Comments 38

squicky, but yay! aristaea May 1 2004, 18:34:20 UTC
To start, the obligatory, "What the fuck were you smoking to write this pairing??" And now, thoughts.

The team's attempt to understand Sam parallels nicely with Sam's inability (or unwillingness) to understand herself. The way she denies the strangeness of her situation, the way she has reasons for her behavior but doesn't seem to have thought it through is such a departure from what might normally be expected of her that it does make sense that she's sleeping with Hammond ( ... )


Re: squicky, but yay! wisdomeagle May 1 2004, 18:48:47 UTC
Damn you for making me read Sam/Hammond and like it

I win!

There's a certain simplistic sweetness in her relationship with George that (for me) puts the squickiness in perspective.

Good. I was hoping for that... I'm glad I managed to make it seem reasonable yet still not okay.

Thanks for the feedback. :)


msbeata May 1 2004, 19:14:15 UTC
I like it.

I can't say that I had really considered Sam/George before, but this works.

I have thought about George/Walter, though. ;-)


wisdomeagle May 1 2004, 19:17:20 UTC
;) Jack/George is really my Hammond OTP... but this was just irresistable.

Glad you liked, and welcome to the f-list!


msbeata May 3 2004, 20:56:29 UTC
Thanks for the welcome and for friending me too.


oceana_ May 2 2004, 00:18:21 UTC
I liked it.
I'm having a hard time saying this, because Sam/Hammond? What were you thinking??? And the worst thing is, now that I've read it, it isn't so strange anymore. You ruin me. IN a good way, of course. :-)


wisdomeagle May 2 2004, 07:27:50 UTC

Glad you liked it.

My evil plot has succeeded. *laughs evilly*


gvambat May 2 2004, 10:51:51 UTC
All right, first the obligitory what the fuck were you smoking...

What the fuck were you smoking?!

Ok, now that that's out of the way...


I'm trying to get to something approaching rational comments, but the pairing just seems to get in the way.


All right, well written, characters make sense (except for Hammond, a bit. Why's he doing this? Doesn't belong in this fic, but...anyway) but the pairing...first Jack/Kinsey, now this. The mental immages...may I have a lobotomy now?



wisdomeagle May 2 2004, 12:39:40 UTC
Does this mean I can do the I Squicked Roommate Dance? 'Cos I'm kinda thinking it does...

Meh. Phone call tonight maybe? Shouldn't, but God help me I need one. Bad day. Meh.

Anyhow... scribbled a little Hammond POV in Islam the other day. Don't know if I can make it work or not. *shrug*


gvambat May 2 2004, 12:43:05 UTC
gvambat May 2 2004, 12:47:07 UTC

sage_theory May 3 2004, 01:05:57 UTC


This was *gah* for me. This was fucking oh my god *GUH*. This was more than I can express.

God, nobody does it like you do it. Crack-pairing aside, you make me *believe*. You make me *GET* it.

And this:

and thirty years later Kayla is in therapy because when she was eight, her granddaddy's lover dropped the cookie sheet, saluted everyone in sight, and left the house, leaving her coat behind, still wearing her apron.

The hysterical laughing coming from somewhere a little southwest of you, say *Kentucky* - that's *me*. Bawling because this was just too good, too funny, and too true.

The thing that's so great about this fic is that you *get* Sam. You grok her and you grok Hammond and you understand how sometimes she's the odd person out on SG-1.

That sometimes, she's this well-put together woman straddled with three broken men who lack a fundamental understanding of her life, who she is, and what she does.

She is, after all, just a little girl, removing the pink streamers from the ( ... )


wisdomeagle May 3 2004, 09:39:47 UTC
I'm blushing and grinning and rereading your feedback and going "Aw, yeah!" I win the super shiny gold star. :D

& I am ridiculously glad to have made you believe this pairing. It will be my goal to make you believe in all my crack pairings. *gets out list*

I have a lot of writing to do.




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