The Strangest Thing: Sam/Hammond fic

May 01, 2004 19:58

The Strangest Thing
Rating: R
Pairing: Sam/Hammond
Spoilers: Better if you've seen Secrets and Tok'ra
Season: 5
Warnings: Ooh, boy. Feelings of the Jack/Sam variety. Angst and then some. Cross-gen. More than you probably wanted to know about George Hammond.
Summary: A conglomeration of moments and memories with a side of weirded-out teammates and ( Read more... )

samantha carter, george hammond, my fanfic, my gatefic, sam/hammond, everything gateverse

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Comments 38

tripoli May 4 2004, 10:22:20 UTC
wisdomeagle May 4 2004, 15:10:53 UTC
Hey! Thank you for reading and for feedback; I'm glad you liked it.

That's a good point about Jack not telling... in retrospect, he would certainly call Carter on it, but not bring it before the team... Teal'c's son is the example that's springing to mind.

I friended you back: welcome. :D


Different, but good anonymous May 16 2004, 12:04:41 UTC
Interesting pairing - I'm not *quite* squicked simply because you didn't write it squicky - odd and perhaps even weird - certainly unconventional, but creative.

I'm delighted that you gave Sam a whole laundry basket of issues - something that isn't often seen. Well, at least not by me, since I don't real Jack/Sam fic.

I like her introspection and the reactions of rest of the team. You've done a really nice job with this - very well written with an excellent job at getting into her head.



Re: Different, but good wisdomeagle May 17 2004, 08:18:17 UTC
Thanks... glad you enjoyed it. :)


jedi_penguin June 23 2005, 21:37:42 UTC
Okay, what have you been smoking... that you haven't written a lot more of this pairing? This was EXCELLENT! In addition to the lines other people have quoted, this really moved me:

She isn't in love with General Hammond, though. She's in love with George, and the difference is a smile's width and tastes like Christmas morning.I love how Sam can separate out the two, but the others can't because they all pull too much of their personal problems into their work. I love how the others are so baffled, but they still check for bugs because they protect each other no matter how much they disagree with someone's actions. I love that Sam knows that Jack's real issue is jealousy, but she can recognize why a relationship with him would never work while it COULD work with George. What I really love, however, is how you've shown that Sam is a bit of an outsider--which she absolutely is--but the others have never really picked up on that before and still don't really get it even now ( ... )


wisdomeagle June 24 2005, 00:29:25 UTC
Ohh, squee! *bounces around the room over yay!feedback over favorite crack cross-gen pairing of doooom*

It's been a long time since I wrote this but I am still fond of it...

but they still check for bugs because they protect each other no matter how much they disagree with someone's actions.

That's something I hadn't really noticed, or at least, I hadn't put it into words, but that's so true.

is how you've shown that Sam is a bit of an outsider--which she absolutely is--but the others have never really picked up on that before and still don't really get it even now.


I love this pairing a lot... and should write more of it! I should!


lady_alianna September 4 2005, 20:54:38 UTC
Is it very wrong of me to want more?

This is a really good story, and I wish people would write more Sam fic. (Good Sam-fic, I mean. Not the millions of fics in which she suddenly turns into a ditzy blond). I especially like the way you made the relationship plausible, in a way that I could understand. I do, however, think some things are still unresolved...

In other words, I want more. Lots More.


wisdomeagle September 6 2005, 02:08:46 UTC
Is it very wrong of me to want more?

No indeed. :p

Thanks for reading, and I'm glad you liked it. :)


aella_irene October 19 2005, 17:11:35 UTC

Right, obligations out of the way I can get down to actually reveiwing.

She doesn't understand her teammates either. She doesn't understand their star-crossed tragedy makeshift lives built out of splintered dreams. She knows that this is the second-best alternative for all of them, but her first choice. Sam excels while the rest of them muddle through. Colonel O'Neill can't negotiate, Daniel doesn't understand the military, and Teal'c doesn't understand earth customs, but Sam is good at everything.

Love this paragraph, becuase for the rest of them it was their second-best, and they've all given something up, but she hasn't and this is what she's wanted to do all her life.

A butterfly flaps its wings in Sam Carter's stomach when her CO finds out about her indiscretions and thirty years later Kayla is in therapy because when she was eight, her granddaddy's lover dropped the cookie sheet, saluted everyone in sight, and left the house, leaving her coat behind, still wearing her apron.Other people have ( ... )


aella_irene October 19 2005, 17:13:35 UTC
As an addition to my last post, I kinda want to write the Kayla-in-therapy fic. Feel free to tell me to go away.


wisdomeagle October 19 2005, 17:21:18 UTC
:) Thanks so much! There are so many universes I want to expand on and this is definitely one of them... I'd never thought about writing anything from the grandkids' point of view, but that's a really good idea. :) (If you do want to write it yourself? Feel free.)

Am so glad you loved it! :)


aella_irene October 22 2005, 15:55:22 UTC
I took up your offer to write a sequel, and am now what looks like half way through. Would you like to take a look when its finished, before I post it on my live journal? (You will, of course be credited when I do)


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