The Strangest Thing: Sam/Hammond fic

May 01, 2004 19:58

The Strangest Thing
Rating: R
Pairing: Sam/Hammond
Spoilers: Better if you've seen Secrets and Tok'ra
Season: 5
Warnings: Ooh, boy. Feelings of the Jack/Sam variety. Angst and then some. Cross-gen. More than you probably wanted to know about George Hammond.
Summary: A conglomeration of moments and memories with a side of weirded-out teammates and ( Read more... )

samantha carter, george hammond, my fanfic, my gatefic, sam/hammond, everything gateverse

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jedi_penguin June 23 2005, 21:37:42 UTC
Okay, what have you been smoking... that you haven't written a lot more of this pairing? This was EXCELLENT! In addition to the lines other people have quoted, this really moved me:

She isn't in love with General Hammond, though. She's in love with George, and the difference is a smile's width and tastes like Christmas morning.

I love how Sam can separate out the two, but the others can't because they all pull too much of their personal problems into their work. I love how the others are so baffled, but they still check for bugs because they protect each other no matter how much they disagree with someone's actions. I love that Sam knows that Jack's real issue is jealousy, but she can recognize why a relationship with him would never work while it COULD work with George. What I really love, however, is how you've shown that Sam is a bit of an outsider--which she absolutely is--but the others have never really picked up on that before and still don't really get it even now.

I'd LOVE to see a companion piece to this, to see Hammond's take on how he and Sam fit together. Hell, I'd actually just like to see more of them in any case.


wisdomeagle June 24 2005, 00:29:25 UTC
Ohh, squee! *bounces around the room over yay!feedback over favorite crack cross-gen pairing of doooom*

It's been a long time since I wrote this but I am still fond of it...

but they still check for bugs because they protect each other no matter how much they disagree with someone's actions.

That's something I hadn't really noticed, or at least, I hadn't put it into words, but that's so true.

is how you've shown that Sam is a bit of an outsider--which she absolutely is--but the others have never really picked up on that before and still don't really get it even now.


I love this pairing a lot... and should write more of it! I should!


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