The Strangest Thing: Sam/Hammond fic

May 01, 2004 19:58

The Strangest Thing
Rating: R
Pairing: Sam/Hammond
Spoilers: Better if you've seen Secrets and Tok'ra
Season: 5
Warnings: Ooh, boy. Feelings of the Jack/Sam variety. Angst and then some. Cross-gen. More than you probably wanted to know about George Hammond.
Summary: A conglomeration of moments and memories with a side of weirded-out teammates and ( Read more... )

samantha carter, george hammond, my fanfic, my gatefic, sam/hammond, everything gateverse

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squicky, but yay! aristaea May 1 2004, 18:34:20 UTC
To start, the obligatory, "What the fuck were you smoking to write this pairing??" And now, thoughts.

The team's attempt to understand Sam parallels nicely with Sam's inability (or unwillingness) to understand herself. The way she denies the strangeness of her situation, the way she has reasons for her behavior but doesn't seem to have thought it through is such a departure from what might normally be expected of her that it does make sense that she's sleeping with Hammond.

My immediate thought was, "Oh, okay, Sam's just rebelling against something or other, acting abnormally because she feels pressured, etc.," but there is more than that in this story. There's a certain simplistic sweetness in her relationship with George that (for me) puts the squickiness in perspective. Yes, it is odd, it is vaguely disturbing, it runs around snogging Freud -- and yet there is a level of stability in George that it is easy to imagine Sam needing. The idea of Sam as a child is good, an interesting dissociation between her private self and her professional self that lends credibility to the relationship.

Damn you for making me read Sam/Hammond and like it. (:


Re: squicky, but yay! wisdomeagle May 1 2004, 18:48:47 UTC
Damn you for making me read Sam/Hammond and like it

I win!

There's a certain simplistic sweetness in her relationship with George that (for me) puts the squickiness in perspective.

Good. I was hoping for that... I'm glad I managed to make it seem reasonable yet still not okay.

Thanks for the feedback. :)


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