If God is for us, who can be against us?

May 10, 2002 10:44

Okay, so you have now been subjected to bits of my musical history. Here's the serious question:

What are you for?

Don't tell me what you're against. We're all against obvious and non-obvious things. We are against hunger and prejudice and hatred and being lonely and ugly porn. We are against mean people and roaming dog packs and being assaulted on street corners.

Tell me what you're for. What are you passionate enough about to work toward? Telling people you like them? Feeding people? Buying olive trees for Israel? Good porn? Reminding people that they're sexy? Open source code? Creating music?

What is it that you do that lets you go to bed at night feeling satisfied? What are you reactionary about? What do you try to persuade people of?

Tell me. I'm listening. Tell me what you work for. Tell me what you are for, with or without someone at your side.


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