1. i remember someone once recced this extremely long au sam/dean fic - and it was what - 150 000 words long or something? and it was some sort of au and set in highschool i think and one of them was the teacher and the other the student and i was in this weird mood where i thought, "LETS READ SUPERNATURAL FIC EVEN THOUGH I ONLY WATCHED UP TO HALF OF SEASON TWO" and then i spent a fruitless one billion years looking for it and not finding it because there are a MILLION au fics in supernatural and half of those are high school aus and GOD I DON'T EVEN WANT TO READ THIS FIC ANY MORE, I JUST WANT TO REMEMBER WHAT THE HELL IT IS aldkjl;jkkljsa
and then i decided it was probably easier on my sanity to read other things so i found myself a gen supernatural comm and read my way through it and WOW, in one of the gayest and most slash inclined fandoms i've dipped my toes in - i enjoyed the hell out of the gen. yeah, ME. XD
(so if you have recs so i don't have to wade through fandom (argh i think you can't blame me for actually being kind of a;dlkklhjskljsf about this fandom because HOLY CHRIST i was in this fandom around season one and it was pretty awesome/batshit crazy back then, let alone now) i would appreciate a head's up ;_;)
OH. MY. GOD. people recreated bella's womb out of felt. YEAH. THAT BELLA AND THAT CRAZY DEMON WOMB. MADE OUT OF FELT. i cannot tell whether they did this for the lols o whether they're very, very dedicated twilight fans but THEY RECREATED BELLA'S WOMB OKAY. that level of crazy mccrazy is either extremely awesome (you know the sparkly edward dildo was genius, don't lie - YOU PUT IT IN THE FRIDGE FOR THE AUTHENTIC EXPERIENCE *ROLLS AROUND*) or just batshit with a helping of more batshit on top of it. on the other hand, now i get to picture your deeply disturbed faces as you read about it or click on that link, so yeah. AWESOME.
the breaker is a manga i started for fun. i managed to plough my way through the first volume despite the fact that while i totally get where the main character is coming from, i wanted to strangle the living crap out of him, it... gets unexpectedly gayer later on! I THOUGHT THIS WAS HET. THE GAY WAS ACTUALLY A SURPRISE FOR ONCE. I DID NOT FACTOR THAT IN. (
another boy clutching at his heart and blushing and going, "i want to see his future" (in martial arts, that is) really is pretty damned gay, regardless of the context XDDD)
BRADLEY AND COLIN'S GAY LITTLE ROAD TRIP. BOYS ♥ also, HOBOS UNITE because Bradley James when you are that pretty, you should not be sporting hobo facial hair okay. FACIAL HAIR IS A NO GO WHEN YOU ARE BRADLEY JAMES. Also I think this is funded by the BBC because they're on a historical road trip or some shit, which i totally approve of because HAH, FREE ROAD TRIP. :D I would fic this shit if you know, I HAD FINISHED MY YULETIDE OH MY GOD YULETIDE ;_;
5. lajdlajdlkah YULETIDE. so, throw prompts at me? i cannot guarantee it'll get written/be any readable/make sense to anyone but me but I THINK I NEED TO STOP PANICKING OVER YULETIDE FIRST AND THEN WRITE IT
fandoms: american idol s8, terry pratchett, merlin (though, i'm... really behind on this), star trek xi, je (HAHAH AT YOUR OWN RISK, i'm at least a year to two behind in everything), ncis, bandom (mychem? and uh, that's it?), eyeshield21, nobuta, reborn, fairy tail, white collar (HAHAHA I'M UP TO EPISODE TWO, SO YEAH), kuroshitsuji (though i only know mangaverse), and in a fit of real crazy - yeah, i would write lady gaga fic. I WISH I HADN'T THOUGHT THAT EITHER BECAUSE WOW, DEEP END ANITA, BUT I WOULD *hides*
(also i'm up for crossover fic. no, really. even if it's like reborn/ncis, i would actually write that. though, the thought of tony, gibbs and hibari interacting would end in blood and tears AND PAIN FOR EVERYONE ;_;)